That was one of the first books I read when I started looking for information. If you cant order online and have it shipped to your house for whatever reason, you can go to almost any bookstore. I went to B-Dalton at the mall and asked for a list of books avalible on J.W.s. I freaked when I saw how long the list was! Anyway, they can order it and you can pick it up from there when it comes in. You dont have to leave your phone #, just tell them you will stop in occasionaly to check on the arrival.
Oh My God!!
Im a little new to this forum and havent read too many of your comments. When I first read your comment I thought you were being sarcastic, as I am extremly sarcastic at times. After reading more, I noticed you might actually be serious. Hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please Stay and keep things interesting.
P.S. I Love your self portrait.