"Every Knee" ??

by Perry 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • designs

    'Through his Spirit' so God owns God, real nice.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I actually like that Perry will make the Trinity fit the writings. It shows us that Christianity was born by borrowing that idea from others who already had "Triune" gods. Good job.

  • Perry

    Oh designs,

    Don't be so narrow minded. We do the same thing all the time with our figures of speech. 1. My mother pinched my arm and 2. my mother pinched me are two perfectly valid characterizatioins of the same event although one speaks of you and the other speaks of your arm. It is still YOU.

    Same with God, just bigger.

  • designs

    How come one god always tells the other god what to do and not the other way around... probably a millisecond older...

  • Perry

    Just one God there designs. You never had a conversation with yourself?

    I will pinch your arm really hard, but not you ...ok?

  • designs

    Ooops I'll retell it the correct way- how come one person of the godhead always tells the other person of the godhead what to do and not the other way around...

  • Perry

    Why do you at times feel one way in your head and another way in your spirit? Your mind can use the info from the other faculties but should make the final decsion. Your spirit will obey the mind in this case because it is still YOU and can be no other.

  • designs

    Does it seem curious that its never quid pro quo

  • wannabefree
  • Perry

    The tri-partite natue of God and man is what it is.

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