I understand that a lot believe that Micheal and Jesus are one in the same some believe that Jehovah and Jesus are one in the same some believe that one is the son of God yadda yadda yadda.
Would some of you please address or post your reasons for believing that Micheal the Arc Angel was not Gods first creation and why he couldn't be the one sent to us to be born as a man and become our savyor?
Why would he not have another name fitting his role as a man on earth?
He obviously wouldn't be living on earth as a child growing up as an angel
He had to be mortal in order for the sacrifice to represent mankind. He wasn't sacrificeing himself to save bad angel's.
I'm just really curious to know what any thoughts are on that subject.
Oh, No offense but Please don't reply if your going to be pissed off about it.
To those who do respond with info or just an opinion Thank's ahead of time.