Going to college would give you the opportunity to set an example for your grandchildren.
New WT and Higher Education...Beware of the logical fallacy in the first sentence.
by maninthemiddle 41 Replies latest watchtower bible
Was there a change of attitude in 98?
Awake magazine of 3/8/98 , p. 21 states that "Higher Education" is ....
A MatterofPersonalChoice
Just as was true in the first century, a wide variety of educational backgrounds exist among Christians today. Under the guidance of their parents, young people who complete their obligatory schooling may choose to pursue additional secular education. Likewise, adults interested in improving their means of providing for their families may view such additional schooling as a viable means to that end. Some aspects of traditional academic education lay emphasis on developing general intellectual capacity rather than professional or vocational skills. Thus, a person may find that even after investing much time in acquiring such an education, he lacks marketable skills. For this reason, some choose to pursue studies in vocational programs or technical schools, with a view to more readily filling actual demands in the job market.
At any rate, such decisions are of a personal nature. Christians ought not to criticize or judge one another on this matter. James wrote: “Who are you to be judging your neighbor?” (James 4:12) If a Christian is considering pursuing additional schooling, he would do well to examine hisown motives to make sure that selfish, materialistic interests are not the driving force.
It is apparent that the Bible encourages a balanced view of education. Christian parents recognize the surpassing value of a spiritual education based on God’s inspired Word and give balanced counsel to their children regarding supplementary education. (2 Timothy 3:16) Being realistic about life, they acknowledge the value of secular education in gaining the skills necessary for their grown children to provide for themselves and their future families. Therefore, in determining whether supplementary education is to be pursued, and to what extent, each Christian can make sound personal decisions based on devotion to Jehovah God, which “is beneficial for all things, as it holds promise of the life now and that which is to come.”—1 Timothy 4:8.
These imbeciles make ignorance a "virtue"....
And bumpin' the thread....
56 yrs old is not old, NVR.
What really is a basic education? Is it becoming an Accountant? Is it becoming a mechanic, millwright, carpenter, nurse, technician? Doesn't some of these professions require college?
Sir82 wrote: "Meanwhile, some of the meanest, materialistic, money-grubbing-est people I know are JWs with an 8th grade education"
I have 18 non witness relatives and 8 relatives that are JW. and I've gotta say, the statement above is Spot On with regards to the 8 Jdub relative's I have.
They're so Greedy, its isn't even funny. They're a Bunch of Self Employed Rip off Artists. One of them, (my uncle) is a real super duper JBot Type and he once charged an old widowed Lady at least double to build a deck in her back yard. He asked for CASH only ofcourse and made 2,400$ over a weekend. Paid his helper Like 8 bucks an hour........ CheapSkate! Total F***king Hypocrit.
Decoding WTBTS Manipulative Language & Loaded Words:
Vigilant Christians = GOOD PEOPLE
Many people in this world = BAD PEOPLE
- GOOD PEOPLE refrain from using the world to the full with regard to higher education.
- BAD PEOPLE consider higher education an indispensable stepping-stone to prestige and an affluent life.
You want to be GOOD, don't you? See how easy that was!
I believe, vanderhoven, that the '98 easing was a temporary response. That was a glorious 27 months, for sure.
Thanks Sulla...that makes sense to me.
darth frosty
But we Christians live as temporary residents and pursue different goals. We avoid "minding lofty things."
Jehovah's Witlesses living as temporary residents for over 100 years!
Has anyone, to your knowledge, been marked or shunned because of seeking post secondary education?