Starting from the 1879 Watchtower.
To the watchtower of today;
In summary?
by Sharpie 13 Replies latest watchtower bible
Starting from the 1879 Watchtower.
To the watchtower of today;
In summary?
This is a subject that really gets my goat!
One of the selling points when I "came in" was that NO COLLECTION PLATE IS PASSED!
Pure BS, they just are not that open about wanting your money ...well not until the last few years that is. They have no shame!
They said Jehovah will always provide the backing.This story is familiar one, but maybe not to the younger crowd.
Taken from the old Divine Purpose Book. w1919,p162, Consolation, sept6 1939pp6,7
{Here is an interesting incident related later by Vice-President C. A. Wise. He was instructed by Brother Rutherford to go to Brooklyn to see what could be done to rent premises where they could begin printing operations and to see what could be done to reopen Bethel. Brother Rutherford's words were: "Go and see whether it is the Lord's will for us to return back to Brooklyn." Brother Wise said: "How will I determine as to whether it is the Lord's will for us to go back or not?" Brother Rutherford replied: "It was a failure to get coal supplies in 1918 that drove us from Brooklyn back to Pittsburgh. Let's make coal the test. You go and order some coal." Knowing that coal was still rationed in New York at the end of the war, Brother Wise said, "How many tons do you think I should order to make the test?" "Well," Brother Rutherford said, "make it a good test; order five hundred tons."
Brother Wise went to New York with considerable misgivings because of the coal shortage, made his application to the authorities and to his amazement was granted the certificate to get five hundred tons of coal. He immediately wired Brother Rutherford that the coal order was granted. This would insure operations of the Society for a number of years. But the problem was where to put all the coal. It was necessary to convert large sections of the basement for coal storage space. But to the brothers it was an unmistakable indication that the time had come to go back to Brooklyn and get things moving there. This they did, October 1, 1919. }
The test now of course, is all your money, realestate, bonds, investments, jewelery, even your firstborn ...........oh wait...they already have that
Well, remember, it's your choice to give. Evidently, though, it was Korah, Dathan and Abiram who first withheld contributions to Jehovah amongst the Israelites. And Cain withheld his best, merely choosing to give "some fruits" to Jehovah. Our giving reflects how deep our love for Jehovah is. Whatever we choose to give, may we remember that "God loves a cheerful giver."
Alright, I just mailed it in on that one...but you get the idea.