The Watchtower's Change over the century. [Funny]

by Sharpie 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • factfinder
  • factfinder

    I'll try this one more time- my posts are invisable!

    Years ago there were articles describing how the donated funds were put to use in building more KHs, Bethel homes and printeries, in disaster relief efforts. Sometimes they reported on new presses being purchased and how much literature was produced.

    Now-they just tell you how to donate. It is shameful- Jehovah must no longer be backing them.

  • sizemik

    I believe the 1879 WT quote (OP) was even re-stated in the Proclaimers book under "How is it Funded" or something similar.

    But I guess there is a huge difference between solicitation and strong encouragement . . . isn't there?

  • kurtbethel

    That can not be. Apostates made it up. They boast that they do not pass a collection plate like other churches do.

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