Appointment has little to do with ability, despite claims in the Watchtower literature. It's a popularity contest and the result of being a drooling JW robot for a few years. With Internet access proliferation, intelligent, experienced elders are going to become more and more rare. Curiosity is a symptom of intelligence, while people who mindlessly do what they're told with no regard for "why" are usually pretty stupid. Gradually, truly spiritual, good-hearted men are being replaced with retarded Society suck-ups who crave power more than desire to serve.
The young are leaving in droves, because of free access to information, online. One way to keep them is to reward their loyalty to the cause with titles and positions. Many will take this bait and "sell their souls" for glory before men, despite knowing it's a crock. Unfortunately for the congregations, the character of men like this will cause much misery to those who regard these man-made titles and positions with awe and respect. This group of "organization worshipers" will gradually grow smaller, as it will mainly consist of the woefully ignorant, stupid, brainwashed, technologically-challenged, and/or those with ulterior motives for remaining in the cult.