Greetings, dear 00DAD, and peace to you!
For me, telling them the truth ABOUT God and Christ... and not trying to lead them AWAY from God and Christ (which is what the WTBTS says we, those who leave THEM, will do). Some folks who want them out FORGET that... while doubting the WTBTS... these STILL believe... in God and Christ. They forget that in addition to asking them to leave the WTBTS, they may be asking, urging, trying to compel, and even trying to guilt them into more: leave "Jehovah", as well. Leave... God. But the truth is that in addition to those who stay because they can't bear being ostracized or are truly staying for the WTBTS... the FDS... the GB... OR family... there are those who stay because they THINK "Jehovah" is "with" these people somehow... or was with them (and they now have some suspicion that He might no longer be). Many, then, WANT to leave that harlot... but don't want to leave God. They stay, then, because they don't know where ELSE to go!
Those who want their loved ones out, though... or even just other JWs... must ask themselves, then: WHY do I want them out? For WHOSE benefit (mine - i.e., no more meetings/FS/assemblies, no more WTBTS "control" over any part of my marriage, family, life, no more "Armageddon", I can sleep in on weekends, don't have to rush home after work for meetings... and the list goes on). Yes, they can ask, "do I want him/her/them out because THIS organization is a misleading cult... and so, I don't care if they believe in God; I just don't these people telling him/her/them about Him? Or do I want them not only out of this religion, but all religion, indeed ALL things even related to faith?
Right now, they see, three choices from the WTBTS: (1) serve Jehovah (God) by serving the WTBTS; (2) don't serve God; or (3) there is no God. From many who are trying to get them out, there are no choices... because there is no God. The latter won't work for these, though, because they have and are conscious of their SPIRITUAL need.
So, the true bottom line is stay in the WTBTS... or give up God. That seems to be the only choices they are given.
I would offer that there are other choices, though. In particular, I would offer that one could tell them TRUTH about one of the WTBTS most false... and most heinous... teachings: that there are only a few who should partake of the flesh and blood of Christ... that they number 144,000... that they will live forever in heaven (and are the only ones who even go there)... and that NO ONE else should so partake... particularly those of the "great crowd"... and that the great crowd will not only go to heaven (which they will, for a short period)... but will live... forever... ON EARTH... WITHOUT having so partaken... which is in DIRECT opposition to what Christ is recorded to have said at John 6:48-58:
"I am the bread of life. Your ancestors ate the manna in the wilderness, yet they died. But here is the bread that comes down from heaven, which anyone may eat and not die. I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”
Then the Jews began to argue sharply among themselves, “How can this man give us his flesh to eat?”
[Jesus] said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them. J ust as the living Father sent me and I live because of the Father, so the one who feeds on me will live because of me. This is the bread that came down from heaven. Your ancestors ate manna and died, but whoever feeds on this bread will live forever.”
I have had the privilege of sharing this truth with many over the years. And it seems to "ring" the same with virtually every one that I have. And as a result, most DO leave the WTBTS... sooner or later. Because NOW the choice isn't "the WTBTS or no God." It's "God... but no WTBTS." True, some leave only to join another harlot - what can I do? That's on them. Faith is not the possession of all men... and living as a free person is not easy for everyone. Some NEED to be led... and need to see the one(s) leading them. Even if such ones are lying to them. They're enslaved in a manner of speaking once again, yes. But they ARE out of HER.
Some leave... and also leave God altogether. Again, nothing I can do. Free will... and thus, free choice.
Most who left, however... joined themselves to Christ, and him alone. They no longer subscribe to ANY religion... or put their faith in the Bible as something to be followed, adhered to, and used to "see"... but simply do their utmost to LIVE the law... of love. In their homes, in their communities, at work, and in their relationships (as spouses, parents, children, siblings, even exs...).
Of all the verses I have shown people over the many years... these, John 6:48-58, seem to be the ones that at least get them to CONSIDER, if they haven't already... that the WTBTS is a false prophet. If, then, you are not concerned that they leave GOD... so much as they leave the WTBTS... it might be something to show them, have them read... and then ask them what it means to THEM... and why THEY think the WTBTS teaches to the contrary.
I hope this helps and, again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,