Just to clarify, dear JIFB (peace to you!)... because your comments lead me to believe that perhaps I need to... there are two groups that [want to] leave: those who are [still] conscious of their spiritual "need"... and those who are not. I would never knock the latter, however, as doing so negates their possession of free-will and so the RIGHT to choose. Also, unlike the "religious", the Body of Christ doesn't go around preaching their beliefs to others, for the most part. To the contrary, it is almost always the other way around: folks see us living a happy, fairly prosperous life OUTSIDE the Borg... and so come to US. They know that, for the most part, we didn't merely fade, but most of us literally took a stand. We're literally labelled "apostates." But they can SEE that we didn't leave God (which is what an apostate truly is)... and so they want to know what it is we "found" that was "better" than the WTBTS and "Jehovah." Our response: we found Christ. Actually, that we were found BY Christ.
You don't see many of us here, though: I am pretty much the most vocal of those I know - they are all much quieter about their faith than I am. But that's primarily because... well, I think the account of my Lord's words to Simon, when dining at that one's house, explains it much better than I ever could. I won't quote that, though, as most here already know of it but let's just say that I was forgiven a great amount of debt. Most of the others, though, had no more debt... "sin"... than, perhaps, you or most here.
The truth, though, is that you really cannot tell one who left but still has faith from one who left but no longer has faith... unless YOU engage them. Then, it is as you said: we, too, explain and/or defend our positions... and faith. But ALWAYS respectfully, regardless of WHO is asking. But otherwise, there is no difference. We, too, enjoy animals, travel, education, science, history, movies, and many hobbies that keep our minds sound and in the present. We own our homes (most of us), have decent jobs, even own our own businesses some of us. We feed the hungry, help the homeless, volunteer in our communities, hand out clothing, money, etc., watch our neighbors homes/kids, attend Neighborhood Watch and other community meetings and events, etc. For all intents and purposes, we are "successful"... particularly in our immediate/household familial relationships. We are also... "discreet"... in that we don't go blowing a horn before ourselves. That is not how our Lord has taught/is teaching us to be.
It is not our job/vocation to judge others - ANY others. Our obligation is to love ALL others... even our enemies. Which we truthfully try to do. You "hear" me HERE... but you can ask many here who I've had the privilege of meeting and spending time with in person... and they will tell you that the conversations do NOT include or involve my faith... unless such one asks. Otherwise, that is not why I am visiting with one: I am doing so because of my love and concern for that one, the individual that they are AND their household. My friends. I enjoy their company and want them to enjoy mine. And so we dine out together, go shopping, see a movie, go to one another's homes, etc. If one WANTS to know about my faith... and my Lord... and things related to that... well, then, I am MORE than happy to share that with them. But I don't HAVE to... and only WANT to... if such ONE wants me. Indeed, some sometimes get a little frustrated with me because I DON'T bring it up - they become confused... because apparently they EXPECTED me to "go there." Later, though, as they get to know me, they realize that it is very precious to ME... but not something I just put upon THEM. Indeed, where is the love in THAT?
Here, though... given the purpose of this site... to help those wishing to know the TRUTH... about the WTBTS... AND about God and/or Christ, the Bible, and things related to THOSE... I speak freely and with great boldness. Because the site, forum, topics, and participants allow... ask... and are amenable to that.
But we, the Body of Christ, DO make it our aim to "live quietly... and mind [our] own business." Truly. I absolutely do.
I hope this clarifies, if it was necessary (and if not, my apologies)... and, again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,