Was Jesus sent only for
by jam 36 Replies latest social current
Black Sheep
bending spoons?
I was ONLY sent for the lost sheep of the house of
Israel, Matt. 15;24. Why after A few years of Jesus death
Paul and Peter open it up for the Gentiles.
Why then is Jesus call the Saviour of mankind.
In that short period of time what happen God had
A change of heart.
Well, I have this theory that Paul was a low level enforcer for the Jews, saw a chance to muscle his way up to leader in the new cult, jumped ship and started pushing everyone around and then figured out a way to suddenly get a shitload more converts.
It's like being the original free agent getting the original new light.
That,s A good one, you are probably right.
Why then is Jesus call the Saviour of mankind.
my answer is that it is quite complicated but I think Constantine was a key figure in making Jesus the saviour of mankind. I'm saying this from an historical perspective of course. Constantine put himself in the earthly mediator place (between humans and God) that had been occupied by Jesus and raised Jesus to a triune place. This tendency (of triunity) was already being debated by some - many were against ... Constantine saw a political-relio opportunity for himself and took it to unify his empire. With Jesus out of the way in a completely transcendent place Constantine could become the earthly go between much like the governing body of Jehovahs witnesses. Constantine appropriated Jesus as saviour of mankind to consolidate his own political postion as ruler of all mankind - the kingdom of God on earth.
Jesus didn't come for one specific reason, it was a few reasons.
He came to save us from our sin, he died on the cross for that.
He came not to call the do gooders, but to call sinners.
He came to perform miracles so that people would beileve.
And various other things...
Well, I have this theory that Paul was a low level enforcer for the Jews, saw a chance to muscle his way up to leader in the new cult, jumped ship and started pushing everyone around and then figured out a way to suddenly get a shitload more converts.
It's like being the original free agent getting the original new light.
That,s A good one, you are probably right.
You'd have to ignore Peter's own thoughts on that, though. As well as Christ saying to go and make disciples out of ALL nations. And also the 'other sheep' not of this sheep pen, that Christ, himself, said that He will also call, and that they will also hear his voice.
"I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they will hear My voice; and they will become one flock with one shepherd." John 10:16
Christ came to the lost sheep of Israel first, I think, because the promise and covenant is with them. But He also didn't turn away those who had faith in Him, either. Consider the woman He spoke those words to. He still healed her daughter, because of her answer and her faith, even though he had at first said he was only sent for the lost sheep of Israel.
You have to look at the esample as well as the words.
Good point Tammy. Ok, other than the new light, I still say he was a free agent looking for a chance to jump up.
Good point Tammy
I know -- Wait, I meant to say... thank you.
Ok, other than the new light, I still say he was a free agent looking for a chance to jump up.
We can always speculate.
Personally, I think beatings and imprisonment, and eventual sentence of death, would have turned a man from a lie that he perpetuated, himself. I would think a man would have to truly believe in the things he was preaching/teaching, to take such punishment for them and keep going.