Danny Haszard tweeted the following story from the Flordia Sun-Sentinel: State Butts in to Give Kids a Life
It's a fascinating story that shows the real attitude of many parents of young children who become seriously ill. Though ordered by their religion to refuse transfusions and simply accept that their child may die as a result, some parents willingly accept the right of the state to decree that a transfusion must take place if doctors so decide.
No parent wants their child to die, and it would simply tear them apart to know that a reasonably simple and routine medical practice could save their life ... yet they would be shunned by their family and friends if they accepted. The solution is to hope like hell the state steps in, allowing them to say to their congregation, "Well, what can you do?" The relief of state intervention must be immense.
The blood doctrine, and the enforcement of it with the threat of shunning, is a terrible thing, like something from a totalitarian government, based on a perverted scriptural basis and junk science, reinforced with skewed, selective information through their literature that exaggerates the dangers of transfusions and never mentions the benefits.