Terry, your logic is flawed. Today, a judge removes the decision from you and authorizes doctors to give blood. He is not ordering the JW to allow it or ordering them to give the blood. Essentially, he is taking away custody for this issue to be resolved.
My point was missed, I'm afraid.
The JW parent IF THIS WAS OFFENDING THEIR GOD for real--would throw a hissy fit, go to the press, hire a lawyer, call a cop, raise a rucus, scream, cry, raise hell, handcuff themselves to their child--etc etc.
There is ALWAYS an alternative to being "made" to do something you genuinely believe is wrong.
Obtaining a "stay" legally is also a possibility.
Kingdom Halls would all have a powerful sympathetic attorney on call who could immediately jump in and STOP (with legal maneuvers) the JW child from being forced to receive blood.
Ask yourself, what would a Muslim parent do if the court ordered a treatment that involved PORK! i am not being funny. Think about it.