Why Certainty About God is Overrated

by leavingwt 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • MrFreeze

    Jws always have an answer for everything. The answers are rarely Bible based. Im not certain that there is or isnt a God. How can you know for sure? You can't.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    Great post Leavingwt. I clicked on the link to the article and read it. I've enjoyed reading quite a few of John Polkinghorne's books. Last year for our Tuesday night class at church we studied on of his books (Questions of Truth). Although I'm a Christian I'm also a big fan of uncertainty and doubt. I don't see a conflict there. I had enough of knowing all the answers when I was in the Watchtower and since leaving I've been very comfortable with uncertainty.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Dealing with the feelings and thoughts that doubt elicits causes anxiety in some people. It's much easier to be certain.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Although I'm a Christian I'm also a big fan of uncertainty and doubt. I don't see a conflict there.

    In the church it is embraced as beautiful mystery.

    Dealing with the feelings and thoughts that doubt elicits causes anxiety in some people. It's much easier to be certain.

    And when you allow yourself to give into this, you might as well stamp "Sucker" on one side of your face and "Control me, please" down the other.

    Beware of anyone who comes claiming to know all of the answers. Anyone.

  • flipper

    The only thing I'm sure about is that I don't know everything. Life's easier when enjoying the " ignorance is bliss " motto. I enjoy learning, but I look at learning as a lifelong experience along the way which I will continue doing till the day I die. Respectfully yours- mr. Agnostic

  • cptkirk

    Most of the people I've encountered are looking not for a religion to 

    then they come to the realization that this always leads to the same destination. which is atheism, or some ambiguous eclectic faith, based on the individual. therefore the notion of a religious community freely asking questions = non-sequitur. it is a fleeting apparatus , which again, inevitably is a means to an end, therefore it has no permanent position.

  • Dagney

    Nice article LWT.

    Letting go of "certainty" was really hard, since, well, I knew everything about everything when I was a JW.

    Now I have as much peace of mind as I thought I had before, and without the certainty of god, and life and death. I used to have the JW pity for the uncertain ones of other faiths and non faith. Now I completely understand.

    I respect other people's faith. My beliefs have changed/are evolving. It's a good place for me.

  • FlyingHighNow
    then they come to the realization that this always leads to the same destination. which is atheism, or some ambiguous eclectic faith, based on the individual. therefore the notion of a religious community freely asking questions = non-sequitur. it is a fleeting apparatus , which again, inevitably is a means to an end, therefore it has no permanent position.

    Spoken by someone who has no idea that many churches don't claim the Bible is all inspired or infallible. Last year @Oasis @ St. Andrews we discussed a series called "Living the questions" most Wednesday nights. It's okay to ask and it's okay to live the questions unanswered.

  • cptkirk

    flyinghigh: hate to tell you this, but you just further asserted my point, was that your intent? i'm guessing not since you threw that nice derogatory phrase at me :(

    ie. "faith based on the individual"...not from any ancient book, when supposedly god was speaking directly to people from the clouds.

  • Dagney

    An exJW I was talking to this weekend attends a Unitarian church that he says is attended by atheist etc. It's a place not so concerned with doctrine, but more community it sounds like. Which makes me wonder what they talk about in Sunday services. But anyway, it shows to me a tolerance and respect for the individual.

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