Why Certainty About God is Overrated

by leavingwt 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • FlyingHighNow
    flyinghigh: hate to tell you this, but you just further asserted my point, was that your intent? i'm guessing not since you threw that nice derogatory phrase at me :(

    I guess I did sound derogatory. I was thinking on my reply to you, whilst hanging a painting in my bedroom just now, "I better go check that." I don't mean to sound derogatory. I apologize for that. Your whole comment was very hard to understand because of the way you wrote it, not because your feelings do not have merit. Your statement didn't make sense in other words, maybe because you needed more commas or periods. Religious communities can freely ask questions. The thing is, will the leaders of the church and study groups embrace the questions? Will they be fine with admitting not all of them can be answered and that sometimes the answers do not fit dogma or doctrine or the idea that the Bible is 100% God's infallible word. Tell people that your church is the Episcopal Church and many times the color will drain from their faces. The church is considered too liberal and too thinking by many more fundamentalist type faiths.

  • cptkirk

    i re-read my statements, and the punctuation is perfect. more than likely it is difficult for you to decipher because you are currently under a deluded state of religious belief, which in turn skews everything else you mentally digest. therefore my conclusion is your brain rejected my statements, due to the cognitive dissonance shield surrounding your cerebral cortex. the punctuation was more than adequate.

    it would serve you well to remember your scripture in dealing with others, ie. turn the other cheek.

  • FlyingHighNow

    No, you just don't write very coherently. You evidently don't read well either. My scripture? I don't have any scriptures.

  • cptkirk

    you're a genius. internet anonymity is ending, you may want to choose your battles more carefully.

  • FlyingHighNow

    You maybe should choose your moniker more carefully. Cptjerk maybe? Listen Mr. I apolgized to you. Since you can't accept it. Kiss my @$$. Either that or just realize I don't intimidate easily. What, and you're some kind of genius? Learn to write understandable English, then maybe I'll take you more seriously.

  • garyneal

    For real...

    because you are currently under a deluded state of religious belief, which in turn skews everything else you mentally digest. therefore my conclusion is your brain rejected my statements, due to the cognitive dissonance shield surrounding your cerebral cortex.

    Are we picking our battles here?

    then they come to the realization that this always leads to the same destination. which is atheism, or some ambiguous eclectic faith, based on the individual. therefore the notion of a religious community freely asking questions = non-sequitur. it is a fleeting apparatus , which again, inevitably is a means to an end, therefore it has no permanent position.

    I got the point the first time. Hard to be a questioning individual within a religious community most of which have pre-canned answers and low tolerance for questioning.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Gary, I am glad his run on sentences didn't tie your brains in knots.

  • FlyingHighNow
    I got the point the first time. Hard to be a questioning individual within a religious community most of which have pre-canned answers and low tolerance for questioning.

    I think your interpretation here is a little less black and white than he intended. And he has no idea what he's talking about. He is basing his statement on a lot of experience with religious communities? I'm betting he's not.

  • cptkirk

    flying: i'm going to forget this happened. you should keep in mind who you might be talking to though. anytime i go after someone on this board i can explain why i did it, in full comprehensive logic. i can more than backup anything i say. if we need to get bandontherun to go and take a 20 minute drive to clarify my status, we can do that. i assure you, your stomach will begin to turn, as you drift into a full state of unabashed panic....as she clarifies my status to you. then i will ask you, was it worth it to come after me based on the fact that you didn't like my wording? atleast if i do go after someone, there is some principle at stake. are you willing to put up a real fight because you didn't like someone's wording? on a topic that had nothing to do with you in the first place? these are very important life lessons.

  • FlyingHighNow

    You really take yourself a lot too seriously. I don't care who you are.

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