flyinghigh: hate to tell you this, but you just further asserted my point, was that your intent? i'm guessing not since you threw that nice derogatory phrase at me :(
I guess I did sound derogatory. I was thinking on my reply to you, whilst hanging a painting in my bedroom just now, "I better go check that." I don't mean to sound derogatory. I apologize for that. Your whole comment was very hard to understand because of the way you wrote it, not because your feelings do not have merit. Your statement didn't make sense in other words, maybe because you needed more commas or periods. Religious communities can freely ask questions. The thing is, will the leaders of the church and study groups embrace the questions? Will they be fine with admitting not all of them can be answered and that sometimes the answers do not fit dogma or doctrine or the idea that the Bible is 100% God's infallible word. Tell people that your church is the Episcopal Church and many times the color will drain from their faces. The church is considered too liberal and too thinking by many more fundamentalist type faiths.