Watchtower July 15, 2011 study edition page 12 paragraph 7 'Following the crowd would not train our perceptive powers; nor, on the other hand, would a host of rigid rules in matters of conscience. That is why, for example, Jehovah's people are not given a list of films, books, and Internet sites to avoid...Worse, it would deprive us of the vital work of weighing Bible principles carefully and prayerfully and then making decisions on the basis of those principles.'
I can't believe the irony..
by The Quiet One 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Showing a pic of rebellious peeps watching "Vein Love" doesn't qualify as listing off limit movies. Carrying on about teen magazines or women's magazines doesn't constitute listing off limit mags.
Romance Novels
Apostate Websites
Listing what gets touched and for how long and in what setting involving how many clothes to determine level of sin--all of which carry pretty much the same consequences anyway so why bother getting details---is NOT a list of rules.
I'm pretty irritated right now.
Jehovah's people are not given a list of films, books, and Internet sites to avoid...
Yeah . . . but if your "bible" trained conscience gets it wrong . . . look out! . . . you're in big trouble boy!
'Following the crowd (Translation = ‘Worldly people’ not superior JWS = US vs: THEM polarised JW thinking. Do I detect a ‘guilt by association’ fallacy?) would not train our perceptive powers; (This makes no sense. It’s like saying ‘picking your nose won’t help you to train a snail to balance on a tightrope’. Utter nonsense!) nor, on the other hand, would a host of rigid rules in matters of conscience. (Oh, c’mon. You DIDN’T just say that?!?! Hypocrites!) That is why, for example, Jehovah's people (Only superior JWs!) are not given a list of films, books, and Internet sites to avoid. (What a ridiculous thing to say! How thick would that magazine have to be? We all know this is sugar for new readers. The old school JWs know the answer to anything is always: ‘No. You can’t!’)* ..Worse, it would deprive us of the vital work of weighing Bible principles carefully and prayerfully and then making decisions on the basis of those principles.' (Do I detect a hint of ‘do more, more, MORE or god will kill you soon**?)
* JW is asked:
Should you have a cigar? Answer: ‘No!’
Can you have a full blood transfusion? Answer: ‘No!’
Should you do something that’s a conscience matter? Answer: ‘No!’
Should you think for yourself? Answer: ‘I’ll look that up!’
**(Terms and conditions apply and are subject to 'overlapping' or ‘New Light’™or which ever makes the GB look much higher than God!)
The Quiet One
New Chapter - Sorry, I didn't intend to make anyone angry.. Excellent point about the vampire movies, who needs a list when you can wipe out entire genres at a time? We were even told at an assembly that Harry Potter films are not for christians! How specific is that?! Sizemik - Exactly. 'Bible trained conscience'= what we tell you to do in the magazines. Punkofnice - Great points.
You know it's a mind control cult when they denounce or deny the very things they are doing and none of their followers notice.
In this regard, it is similar to the article that says that no one should be forced to choose between his family and his religion.
JWs nod in agreement and then blindly follow the rules.
I don't think this is ironic, either intentionally or not, I think it is plain LYING.
The Quiet One
Ding - Exactly.. Good point. Wobble - To be fair, the Watchtower are so crafty that they rarely outright lie (unless I've missed something). Half truths are more common. Just doing as you're told DOES weaken your 'perceptive powers'. Technically there is no list, so that's true.. but could this give the wrong impression of a jw's freedom of choice? I think so.
"We cannot dedicate workers to listening to music and viewing videos, so we just make you feel bad about not examining these for yourself against our rigid rules. We can, however list rigid rules way beyond the Bible on things such as employment, tobacco, holidays and birthdays."
Love Ding's comment above.