Just remember also that Michael Jursa's name was used in the May 2009 Awake! article. If you go to the British Museum website it talks about this same clay tablet with one difference..........the British museum states 587 and not 607. Oh my....when will the Watchtower ever learn. Don't they know people will investigate these things. Another person who's name was also used was Eliat Mazar. I personally contacted her regarding her name used in the new Jeremiah book to see if she agreed with the Watchtower's 607BCE date. She agree's with the 586/587 date. Now, not that the Watchtower Society is quoting these people, it's decieving on their part to use these scholars, historians, archeaologists names in a way that make it seem like they do support the 607 date. I guess that is why they had to add the little footnote that none of them do in the November 1st article.
It's almost like if you smoke that every doctor, scientist, or any other medical expert says that smoking causes cancer....and if the Watchtower was the ONLY ONE that says it doesn't......who would you believe? The same thing should be applied to the 587/607 debacle.
Here's an example of what I'm talking about in this article. Michael Jursas' name is used. Once you read further it seems that he supports it... right? Wrong...he doesn't. Ladies and Gentlemen what we have here is the Watchtower's magician's trick.....slight of hand!
A Receipt That Corroborates the Bible Record
A two-inch-wide [5.5 cm] clay tablet was unearthed in the 1870’s near modern-day Baghdad, Iraq. In 2007, Michael Jursa, a professor at the University of Vienna, in Austria, came across the tablet while doing research at the British Museum. Jursa recognized the name Nebo-sarsechim (Nabu-sharrussu-ukin, in its Babylonian form), a Babylonian official mentioned in the Bible at Jeremiah 39:3.
Nebo-sarsechim was one of King Nebuchadnezzar’s commanders at the destruction of Jerusalem in 607 B.C.E., and according to the tablet, he is called “the chief eunuch.” Moreover, the title chief eunuch was held by only one man at any given time, providing strong evidence that the Sarsechim in question is the same man mentioned in the Bible.