This :
“ Brothers , if the slave asks you to do something that seems wrong in Jehovahs eyes, and you obey, how does that leave you with Jehovah? That’s right, your good with Jehovah. The slave will account to Jehovah for their decisions.”
Versus what Jesus said :
" L ET them be. Blind guides is what they are. If, then, a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” - Mt. 15:14
and the argument that the FDS is a group taken from an illustration Jesus gave is bollocks...
Ostensibly we were/and should
" Y OU were bought with a price; stop becoming slaves of men." - 1 Cor. 7:23
and ask ourselves whether WE as individuals are "faithful and discreet" from Jehovah's perspective and not according to those who as the apostate man of lawlessness ->FDS " ...became discreet in THEIR own eyes. " - Ro. 12:16 and have supplanted and in anti- or instead-of-christ-like manner have blocked the real way-truth-and-life, Jesus.