Thanks for sharing. I had absolutely no idea how far their teachings have left the Bible.
School for Congregation Elders
by C.O.B.E.Beef 118 Replies latest jw friends
Quite scary. It does occasionally worry me that another Rutherford-like character gets on the GB & really pushes the Org to become even more extreme & cultlike. How many JWs would have the common sense & guts to stand up to it , after years of being told that they should be "submissive to the Slave?"
dozy,,and how many sisters would accept being called "a bag of bones and a hank of hair?" (one of Rutherford's phrases).
It does occasionally worry me that another Rutherford-like character gets on the GB & really pushes the Org to become even more extreme & cultlike.
I don't see that as likely. Such a person would have to have charisma, intellect, and creativity, all of which are viewed with suspicion if not outright condemned in the JW culture.
Only the bland, mediocre, and obedient rise to the top in the JW world.
I suppose someone really diabolical could play the JW game for decades until he got to the top of the heap, hiding his true intentions until he got there, but it would be awfully stressful to do so for such a long time.
Thanks for the bump. Its been a year since I posted this and so much in my life has changed . I still have my notes and the handouts/visual aids from the school , maybe I can upload them. They may not be that interesting but might be entertaining.
JW GoneBad
I’ll second the ‘thank you for the bump’ and I want to thank you C.O.B.E.Beef for this topic thread. Somehow I missed it. The following chart you included speaks volumes:
F & DS
C.O.B.E.Beef comments: ‘it dawned on me how far removed the average JW is from Jehovah and Jesus.’ Amen to that!
I wish you could have pictured it and post here.
JW GoneBad
More evidence that JW publishers are far removed and at the bottom of the WT caste system is that when the C.O. visits the congregations, there is always a private meeting of the pioneers with this head honcho and the rank and file JW publishers are always excluded from attending.
bats in the belfry
JW GoneBad >> It's only to make them feel special. Nothing special being said there at all.