Nice 5 page "tempest in a teapot" gang. Who uses cash or checks anymore if they have a choice?
Credit Card Donation terminals are currently being installed in JWs Assembly Halls...
by AndersonsInfo 129 Replies latest jw friends
Singing to myself: Must be the money ;)
Hi AndersonInfo,
I posted this news a few years ago under my former username Ozner:
Thanks for the link Gorby . . . . wow! . . . 7 years ago.
Perhaps you were a test case and these plans have been carefully timed in order to ensure the lowest attrition rates possible as a result of it.
The WT$ is all about the money . . . no question.
How many Assembly Halls are there in U.S. I found someone noted 41, but that was 2 yrs ago.
Also, I am wondering when people make a donation thru their credit card, does that show as a "cash" withdrawal, instead of a"purchase?" The interest is so much higher if it is "cash." Some credit cards may have a certain low percentage offer for purchases,, but for "cash" (even with good credit) for cash charge 24% or 25%.
LOl @ Watchtower article making fun of other religions because of their use of ATMs.
All I can say is: FAIL
I just called to American Express,,the rep said any donation to a charitable organization processes as a "purchase."
Oh man, the desperation and greed is wonderful to behold. Marked.
All money making businesses have credit/debit terminals.
JW GoneBad
The Apostle Paul said at Acts 20:33: "I have coveted no man's silver or gold or apparel."
WTBTS and you GB......................................where is your shame?
The WTBTS is without a doubt guilty of coveting every man's wallet!
WTBTS and you GB...................................does your shame know no bounds?
I am a practicing JW and truly................................ ASHAMED and EMBARRASSED!