According to many christians, atheists will go to hell for not believing in god. This is written in the bibe..sorry I am not sure exactly where...would be nice if someone could direct me to the exact passage. I feel however this contrived just to promote the reason for persecution of non believers. I was reading the book of Enoch, which is incidently was not choosen to be included as a book in the bible surprisingly . On reading this book, Enoch who is actually mentioned as walking with god had visions and was shown heaven. In that place the was a place god had made for the non believer. Amazing. To me this shows that christianity is actually a carefully constructed organisation to have only one purpose,..and that is not to tell the truth.
Atheists going to hell...who said this was true?
by trailerfitter 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
Psalm 10;4?
NWT - The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search. All his ideas are: There is no God
NLV - The sinful man in his pride does not look for God. All his thoughts are that there is no God.
CEB - At the peak of their wrath, the wicked don’t seek God: There’s no God— that’s what they are always thinking.
I was reading some Gnostic scriptures myself. It is amazing all of the writings that are excluded from the bible. The portion I read really elevated women, and particularly, Mary Magdelene. They even talked about the jealously the men of the day felt toward her for having an honored position. The scriptures chosen for inclusion reflect this. Magdelene is forever a whore.
It's a book of man. Even if it specifically says atheists are going to hell, it is no more authoritative than an Archie Comic.
New chapter, yes I saw a documentary on the books banned from the bible and it said about her.. the apostles were Jealous of her closeness.
Psalm 10;4?
NWT - The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search. All his ideas are: There is no God
NLV - The sinful man in his pride does not look for God. All his thoughts are that there is no God.
CEB - At the peak of their wrath, the wicked don’t seek God: There’s no God— that’s what they are always thinking.
You will notice that the verse speaks of the WICKED (or sinful) that say there is no God.
There are many reason to believe in God or disbelief and it is THOSE that will be judged.
Many are in for a rude awkening.
But PSac,
doesn't Hebrews 9: 27 say that all will be judged after they die?
The KJV does not indicate atheism - The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.
Many are in for a rude awkening.
PSac . . . I was merely offering a possible answer to the request in the OP . . . nothing more
The Oracle
I don't think the bible is a very nice book.
Although there are some selected passage that are very nice, when you actually read it cover to cover, it is pretty brutal.
I guess because it was written by primitive men. Go figure.
The Oracle
PS: sorry...sometimes I get in to these really honest moods where I don't feel like sugar coating reality to protect other people's fantasies.
I don't think the world is a very nice place at all. I find the bible dealing withreality. It is comforting to know that judgment comes after we die. Osama bin Laden is experiencing this right now, and that comforts me to know that he may hide from men but he cannot hide from God.
Osama bin Laden is experiencing this right now
From Allah? . . . Jehovah? . . . or someone else? The outcome might be different depending on who it is.