I like the Science behind all of this
Atheists going to hell...who said this was true?
by trailerfitter 51 Replies latest watchtower bible
But PSac,
doesn't Hebrews 9: 27 say that all will be judged after they die?
Christ’s Sacrifice Takes Away Sin
23 Thus it was necessary for the sketches of the heavenly things to be purified with these rites, but the heavenly things themselves need better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ did not enter a sanctuary made by human hands, a mere copy of the true one, but he entered into heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our behalf. 25 Nor was it to offer himself again and again, as the high priest enters the Holy Place year after year with blood that is not his own; 26 for then he would have had to suffer again and again since the foundation of the world. But as it is, he has appeared once for all at the end of the age to remove sin by the sacrifice of himself. 27 And just as it is appointed for mortals to die once, and after that the judgment, 28 so Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time, not to deal with sin, but to save those who are eagerly waiting for him.
Mortals will die and THEN there will judgment, yes.
People will be judged on what they have done, what they believed and WHY they believed.
The issue of the existence of Hell is one that won't be answered today, on this thread, since it has been debated and discussed for sometime now, but it seems to me that the question of the OP is are ATHEISTS going to hell and the answer would be that it depends on WHY they are atheists.
Just as a believer will be judged on WHY they believe, the non-believer or the believer in "other things" will be judged in that regard too.
Perry, your god is responsible for more deaths and suffering than all of the Hitlers and Osamas combined. Your god forced young women to marry their rapists. Your god forced parents to stone their children. Your god forced his people to commit ethnic cleansing, including infanticide. Such a brutal individual truly does need to be separated from loving people. Perhaps what you call judgement is actually a reward.
And I never said you took "delight" in the torment of dead people. I quoted you to say you took "comfort" in it. Look, I know where you are coming from, I honestly do. I was there once. Now outside looking in, I see the brutality of such a god, and the brutality of the people motivated by the bible. There are plenty of religious people that simply don't fall into the brutality category--but I have found that most of them dismiss large portions of the bible.
If there is spirituality, I'd go with the pagans. These local religions were practiced for thousands of years before some angry desert dwellers decided to paint their hateful god. Perhaps such religions formed before humankind began using religion as a manipulative tool. Maybe the Neanderthals didn't have the capacity that way---or maybe Homo eretus. Back when things were a bit more egalitarian and they were just looking to find their way. Back when homo sapien was new and still investigating their potential to make others do as they wished. Perhaps their religion grew from a more innocent place, and they used it to cope. Then they figured out what a motivating force fear was, and the world has never been the same.
Is that enough science for ya Designs?
Jesus wore a Colt 45
Designs, I think you're confusing Jesus with Billy the Kid again.
Thin scruffy looking young guy...I think you're right
It's an honest mistake. Perhaps he drank Colt 45 instead.
NC, not to hound you, but you avoided the question with an awful lot of red herrings ... all of which have been addressed on this board multiple times. I reccommend www.christianthinktank.com or perhaps www.carm.org. They are all dealt with there. I personally spent several years researching charges like the ones you assert and found them groundless. You are welcome to your own opinion of course, as is everyone.
Back to the question you avoided though: If God doesn't judge evil, wouldn't that make him an enabler of evil? How can a person imagine a benevelent all-powerful God that would forever not judge evil? I can't.
I mean, a person can avoid the question, but that won't make the paradox go away. I tried for years to avoid this question myself and found that the answer pointed squarely at Jesus.
I'm not sure what charges I've made that you researched, perhaps you can be more specific.
However, to answer your question: If God doesn't judge evil, wouldn't that make him an enabler of evil? How can a person imagine a benevelent all-powerful God that would forever not judge evil? I can't
Perry---I can't answer this because there is no god. The god created by those angry desert dwellers--you know the ones that I charged with ethnic cleansing and infanticide---is something they made up for control. They wanted to be brutal---so their god was brutal. The gods people create reflect the people.
Some say FEAR is the opposite of love, and that's a good argument. I do consider the two to inhabit separate ends of the spectrum. However I think FEAR is the opposite of knowledge. Once you step out of your experience, look at the world as a whole, read about the religions in Mesopotamia you can more fully understand how the bible was nothing new, the ideas were there forever, it was a product of the society it grew out of.
But for academic purposes---if such a god existed--all powerful, all loving, forgiving, merciful--I think he would find a more appropriate "punishment" than eternal suffering. He could do anything- no limits. If you can say such a god is love out of one side of your mouth--and out of the other side say he will torment the wicked for an eternity, then I say cognitive dissonance runs deep with you.
Also, if you have something to say go ahead and say it. I'm not going to the links. I'm not even sure which charges you disagree with--you didn't even list that out. Was it that this god killed millions and committed infanticide and forced young women to marry their rapists? I got all that from the bible, so go to the source if I was wrong.