Fallout from the apostate-bashing WT article?

by cedars 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    I was told by a dub he doesn't consider me mentally diseased but it refers to those in or out of the WBT$ that want to draw followers to themselves.

    I think this study was heavy going for the R&F by all accounts and they couldn't make the connection to the extreme hate the GB want them to have and Christian love. Honestly, it confused the heck out of my family but they didn't sneer at me. Life goes on.

    I think the GB are so desparate to control that it's out of hand for them now. These tirades of hate are turning the genuine ones right off. I heard of another 2 kids that told their parents they'd had enough and weren't going back to the meetings.

    I think this is a crisis point for the cult leaders. They're making all the wrong moves. Stupid twots!

  • erbie

    It's funny how they have to label people as mentally diseased just because they choose to think for themselves!

    I suppose it's the most powerful weapon in their arsenal, creating labels for people.

    Just thinking aloud.

  • discreetslave

    My 8 yr old kid compared the article to what Dr. Doofenschmirtz does on Phineas & Ferb he's always trying to control what people think so he can rule them

    So far no major fallout with my husband. My kid told me he commented on being careful which websites one clicks on during a search and gave the society domain names as the only legit websites.

    Yesterday he did ask me is it possible I'm the one being brainwashed. I replied with the exception of the WT have I ever allowed someone to control what I think or do?

    A few people on facebook forums did comment on family members telling them they were no longer going to be contacting them.

  • zoiks

    My still-in Dad called me today just to say hi and that he loves me. I think that he has a bit of conscious-class in him; he has always been more about love and kindness than following the letter of Watchtower law. He even confided once that he was ashamed of some of the things he had done as an elder.

    Still, he stands to lose everything if he ever left the group, and always retreats to the 'Jehovah is using imperfect men' argument.

    His small gestures like this mean the world to me, especially given the timing.

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    "It's funny how they have to label people as mentally diseased just because they choose to think for themselves!"

    Or apparently just having a different opinion makes one mentally diseased

    I didn't see the article. Is it available somewhere?

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    All the mags are available at jw.org

    I gave my take on Cult Free Radio last Saturday night.

    http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/17196718 for video (which is basically audio with some pics - some episodes have more than others)

    http://ex-jw.com/web-directory/cult-free-radio-archives-1-6 for mp3 audio (show 7 is the one on this particular mag)

  • RagingBull

    I'll post a thread (maybe tomorrow) about our Assembly ("Sanctify God's Name")...it was very interesting (in a dull/bad way). I felt so out of place, and the DEBIT Card machines!!!!! --- priceless (literally)

    Oh...during the announcements, the brother made it a point to mention that the machines can be pulled forward for those in wheelchairs so that they can access and see the buttons. (I lie to you not!) $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  • punkofnice

    RagingBill -

    the machines can be pulled forward for those in wheelchairs so that they can access and see the buttons. (I lie to you not!)

    Kinell mate, what heartless b*&^(^()($*$**$

  • heathen

    not enough you can use your card online at the WTBTS site but now we need to put an ATM machine in front of your face so now they can even charge the banks for putting them there I guess .

  • james_woods
    I was told by a dub he doesn't consider me mentally diseased but it refers to those in or out of the WBT$ that want to draw followers to themselves.

    Quite nice of him - but if you talk to a single person about things, you will instantly be diseased.

    Interesting to note that not a single one of the famous "apostates" - primarily Ray Franz - ever tried to get anybody to "follow them".


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