The study article pissed my JW sister off as she thought it sounded mightly controlling. She has no intention whatsoever of stopping her association with me, nor do my parents.
So if you're reading this Crooklyn, nice try but no cigar.
by cedars 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The study article pissed my JW sister off as she thought it sounded mightly controlling. She has no intention whatsoever of stopping her association with me, nor do my parents.
So if you're reading this Crooklyn, nice try but no cigar.
My parents are being semi-shunned for their relationship with me. It sucks for them but it's great for me. Nice work, Borg. Keep driving good hearted people away and before long all that you'll have left are the a-holes and the mentally challenged*.
(*not to be confused with "mentally diseased" - subject to overlapping)
Nice work, Borg. Keep driving good hearted people away and before long all that you'll have left are the a-holes and the mentally challenged.
I think they would rather be smaller with hard-core ultra faithful followers. It seems to be a strengthening aid for them to purge the bad seed now and then. The remaining refer to it as a cleansing by Jehovah.
The Watchtower needs an enema!
I agree wannabefree, but I think they're also torn about it somewhat.
Fewer but more faithful followers are much easier to manage and takes a load off the GB and Branch officials.
At the same time this is an organization bent on showing growth numbers. They have changed the very way they count people for the SOLE PURPOSE of keeping the illusion of growth in the western world. Also, they must fear that fewer members means fewer dollars donated (Their solace in this is that those who leave probably didn't donate much anyway and those who stay can be coerced into donating more.).
My question is whether the slowing growth and/or purging is intentional or a by-product of simple hardcore religious lunacy.
The Watchtower Organization seems very similar to Russia in this article ....