Interesting point Thai Chi.
I don't know what you are calling fundamentalist (although I have an idea ) but Christians don't think their salvation hinges on others or on works. It's a faith thing--not blind faith, God isn't afraid of intelligence or fact-- but a personal decision. Sure Christians want to share the truth but that doesn't make them bad. Wouldn't it be hypocritical to not share and stand up for what one beleived was true? Wouldn't it be terribly unloving and cold hearted to not share saving information with someone? Christian isn't about being bossy or changing others or doing enough good works to screech into heaven. It's about God and truth which happens to exist whether the world wants it to or not. I don't look down on others that don't agree with me- I respect their opinion because it's a person behind the opinion-- but that doesn't mean people can't talk about truth and try to show the proof for it. Intelligent conversation and sharing of information doesn't have to be about controlling the other persons thoughts and beliefs, it's just sharing truth.