No longer associated with this group

by yeldell2 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • yeldell2

    I had no idea you were ex-witnesses when I registered here. DO NOT
    continue to send me e-mail anyone from this group. I have taken
    steps to contact the administrator of this site, with this information. I have also found another site of faithful witnesses
    in which I can correspond freely and give and receive encouraging
    speech from other.

    Those who are trying to reach me, please desist. If necessary, I will
    contact the AOL administrator about this site. I am being harrassed
    because I have made my intentions known. You have enough to do among



  • Pathofthorns

    In all honesty Patricia I find it hard to believe that people here are harassing you. In fact, the thought is even a bit humorous.

    I also think you are mistaken in your assumption here that most people here are "ex-Witnesses". For the most part you will find that they are simply "inactive Witnesses", and that is not a crime.

    People are here just like you were, to find some comfort and some assistance and to make new friends. Such a shame you didn't find what you were looking for, or perhaps you need to take a closer look at your own self before you do?

    Anyway Patricia, it was nice of you to stop by and grace us with your presence. I'm sure everyone will respect your moving on. Perhaps one day you will better understand what makes this place special. I wish you well and hope u get the help you need.


  • happytobefree

    It took you 36 post since Dec. 31, 2000 to realize that some don't share your views. GET REAL!!! And does this site automatically pop up on your computer when you initally come on - if not, then you need to stop harassing yourself by coming to this site. I personally find it very refreshing and upbuilding, but it I didn't you would not be reading this post.


  • JAVA


    I am being harrassed because I have made my intentions known. You have enough to do among yourselves.

    What a JOKE and crock of BALONEY! Members of this group care less if you cry to AOL or to the farts you serve in Brooklyn. Here's a newsflash yeldell2, just because folks disagree with you--THAT'S NOT HARRASSMENT! Just because you can't defend the Tower's lunacy, and the swill they call "food in due season," THAT'S NOT HARRASSMENT!

    If you want harrassment, please seek out the elders in your congregation--the Tower has trained them well. If you're ready to post something intelligent, try harder next time. If you can't do that, keep your brain turned off and enjoy Brooklyn's Land of Oz.

    Lord . . . forced blindness is hard to forgive!

    JAVA, counting time with the group at the Coffee Shop

  • trevor

    Hello Yeldell2,

    I see from your outburst that some bricks have fallen from the wall you have built around your mind. I expect some of the seasoned brothers at the hall will patch it up for you.

    My advice is to only mix with people as narrow minded as yourself. The danger of mixing with honest seekers of truth is that one day a hole will appear in your wall and you will find yourself staring out into the cold white light of truth.

    You go from door to door inflicting your views on others and trying to undermine their faith. Don't you consider this as harassment?

    You are welcome to 'e' mail me I have nothing to fear from other peoples opinions - truth can defend itself.

    Please say Baaaaaah for me to those who still attend the kingdom hall.


    Edited by - trevor on 11 January 2001 15:16:33

  • logical
    My advice is to only mix with people as narrow minded as yourself. The danger of mixing with honest seekers of truth is that one day a hole will appear in your wall and you will finf yourself staring out into the cold white light of truth.

    I can vouch for that... this place has opened my eyes.

  • waiting

    Sister Patricia,

    It's not necessary to disassociate yourself from this forum. You were never baptized into it. Simon made it a free place to come and go, unlike the WTBTS.

    You are free to go, with our best wishes, and your family is still able to talk to you, unlike the WTBTS's instructions to families. If you ever decide to wander back in here, well, feel free to. You won't have to explain yourself to anyone here. That's also different than your local Kingdom Hall elders.

    Sorry we never were able to discuss the issue of how the WTBTS discriminated needlessly against women in the rape issue. It's another freedom you'll find lacking - open discussion even about difficult issues.

    Oh, and just like when jw's call at non-interested persons houses - if you don't open the door, they'll stop knocking. Just delete messages you don't want to be exposed to. So much easier than posting your anger and idle threats here.

    I don't think anyone cares that much.


  • Xandit

    One thing I have enjoyed about this board in contrast with some others is that generally speaking people are civil even when they disagree. For the most part they haven't felt compelled to insult someone elses intelligence or ridicule them. I hope that's not changing.

  • RedhorseWoman


    I don't know how you got the impression that you were being harrassed. I know that I tried to be understanding in my responses to you, and I remember seeing only kindness expressed to you by the others on this site. That is, until you began attacking people willy nilly on the Humour Forum.

    No one ever pretended to be anything other than what they are. In fact, several of us told you outright that we had been inactive for some time.

    If necessary, I will contact the AOL administrator about this site.

    It's unlikely than anyone on AOL is going to care about your dissatisfaction with a discussion board that you joined of your own free will...but I guess you will do what your paranoia tells you to do.

    I am being harrassed because I have made my intentions known.

    I am a little confused about this last statement. How are you being harrassed? What are your intentions and when did you make them known?
    It's all very strange.....very strange.

  • RedhorseWoman

    Xandit, please read the rest of Yeldell2's posts.....especially those in the Humour Forum. I think you will understand the responses to her in this thread a little better.

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