Thanks Path and Larc.
Y'see, many faithful and conscientious JWs wanting to know more about the Organization are visiting sites on the Net. I had personally told a few friends about Obed's site. It was a good place to engage in meaningful discussions. The site is now dead, and many are flocking to others. Though seekers of truth, many such JWs will not tolerate using inflammatory words about Brooklyn - in fact, I think none of us should; if they are wrong then we do not want to be like them.
Now, a motive for many who post here is to help others begin to think freely, not necessarily to stop associating with JWs, but to let them out of the bondage of 'works' and rather unscriptural teachings. They may still wish to remain JWs. Showing respect for them will be a way to show love, that we do not disapprove of what their decisions are, that they have a right to such. But that we also have a right to enlighten.
JAVA, I understand that's not your way, so please do take all in good faith. I have said a few annoying things before myself, after coming to a realization of what was really going on; sometimes, anger and annoyance and a discomfitting sense of betrayal grab me then I go over the edge...It'll be good to keep everything within limits, so that some would not be distracted from the real issues at hand.