Ahh 'Lynn47' aka our very own Larsinger58/JCanon (elsewhere aka 'Moshi,' 'Gracie,' 'Joshua92,' 'Gary,' 'Lars Wilson/Calier/guy,' who-knows-who-else), my favorite muppet He is intelligent, an ex-JW and has his very own agenda. He believes the 'real' secular time-line has been manipulated or 'hidden in plain sight' and that Bible prophecy eventually points to the advent of a dumpster-anointed, black, gay messiah in 1992 - i.e. him (don't ask - if you really want to know, look at his posting history).
VAT 4956 - Comparison Of The Lunar Three Time Intervals For Years 568/7 BCE and 588/7 BCE
by AnnOMaly 53 Replies latest watchtower bible
never a jw
Has anyone posted the planetary and moon observations of VAT 4956?
I have the results: every single planetary observation fails miserably for year 588 (regular calendar and Furuli's). The Lunar observations range from bad to excellent (the error for 8 claimed by the Watchtowwer, line 3 of the Diary, is actually an excellent fit for day 8 in Furuli's calendar).
The problem posting the results is that most require a sky shot and it would take a lot of space. Also my program, TheSkyX, gives me a boring and confusing b&w map. Addditionally I don't even know how to post documents or pictures. It's possible, however, to give a description and an explanation why the observation does not fit.
Here is a question...I just got a new laptop, and now I want to venture into this as well.
So what are the pros and cons of Sky View Café vs Cartes du Ciel vs Sky X?
What are some good primers (books, online resources) to get my feet wet?