I did not think about the typing test being rigged. I worked at a factory long time ago...a shirt factory. The settings on the machine had to be just right to perform fast and make quota at the end of the day....those settings had to be adjusted regularly. A certain employee wanted her job back (her house had burned down and had to quit) The only way to get rid of me legally was to mess up the settings on my machine and thus I could not make quota and I was fired.
You have lost your job and your house, your down to your last $1,000. How will you make out at the end of the month?
by purplesofa 130 Replies latest jw friends
A young guy approached me at the gas station and asked for 30 cents. I gave him a dollar. I just do that sometimes. Then I started driving away and he waved me down pointing. My gas flap was open. It was worth the dollar. LOL
Well that sucks purple. But that test was indeed rigged. This is an area that I'm expert in. But that's okay. I think the point was to give us an empathetic view. Not everyone can pass a typing test, and I had years of experience and education that most don't have. It was fair.
During the Recession of 1991-1993 we took in 2 families to help out and cutout all the extras like movies, meals were very basic. I dug ditches, any kind on work I could get, we survived.
That's exactly what it takes to get through hard times. Doing whatever is necessary to make ends meet, even if it means cutting out every fringe luxury. There was a similar question I saw on another board, with dozens of folks posting that they couldn't pay their bills. I bit my tongue instead of asking how many were posting because they were at the local library, taking a break from self-studying to get a technical certification, and how many were saying they couldn't pay bills while posting from their own computer/laptop/ipad over a broadband connection, possibly even bundled with the cable TV package.
So many people that I know personally who make the same complaint won't give up the internet, the TV, beer and cigarettes, and would pass want ads in the classifieds because they didn't want to do something like that. I spent the first part of college working two jobs and living on veggie stirfry with ramen noodles. Instead of drinking and going to parties, I was at the library studying to get technical certifications so I could get a better job. I didn't have a cell phone until my girlfriend (now wife) insisted, and even then I only got a prepaid one to use in emergencies. Every spare cent I could squeeze out of my budget went into savings. When bad stuff happened or a bill was more than I expected, I had that emergency fund stashed away. If I couldn't pay for something, I did without or found a different way.
Choices like that are why I'm not poor, not because I'm more fortunate than the next guy.
UGH, my gas didn't get stolen. But I did drive away from the dent!
The ironic part is that if I really did that, my conscience would plague me every night. I can see how the stress levels rose with every decision. It was suffocating.
In my area, we have free internet even for private residents. It's the first ward in the country to take on such a huge project, but we did it. There is often more to a story than we know.
Yeah, and when it asked about paying for the mothers medicine, uggggg, such hard choices to make. and stressfull and Suffocating. @NewChapter