Some people don't have anyone...a newly DF person comes to mind.
You have lost your job and your house, your down to your last $1,000. How will you make out at the end of the month?
by purplesofa 130 Replies latest jw friends
What if we had no government to support at all? No government to expect anything from? Would we really help each other out? Who would survive, who would make it? Who wouldn't make it?
Don't get me wrong, I believe that government and law does have a place - to protect the lives, liberty and property of its citizens. But that's all. It may be a moral high point to help my fellowman, but making their loss my responsibility is to impact my right to my life, my liberty and my property.
I'm ready, willing and happy to help someone else. That does not mean that I should be forced to do so.
I had to sell a kidney :-(
Cracked had a interesting (and funny) article about why poor people stay poor. If you don't like foul language, don't read it.
I could relate to the section about being stuck with a crappy car. I had an older, usually reliable car that would always need repairs after I had saved up some money for a newer, more reliable car. Of course, I couldn't get enough saved up to get an affordable car payment on a newer one, so I got stuck paying repairs. It took me a couple of years and a chance promotion at work before I could get out of that cycle.
PURPS- Interesting game ! I made it through the month with $ 276.00 left. I had to rely on friends a lot. More than I do in real life financially for sure. I rarely turn to family or friends for financial help.
Flipper, I think that is very hard for people when they have lost everything, to ask family and friends for help. It's new to them. They may have always been the person that was helping others and know the hard work it takes to be able to help others.
PURPS- I agree. It is hard. I have had to ask for help financially before , but it's really hard for me to do as I don't want to inconvience any of my relatives. I guess it's why I work so hard like a madman in my business to make ends meet for my wife and I. I guess it's a fear of failing finacially - or a fear of going broke ! LOL ! Fear of going hungry keeps me pumping the work out
It was hard for me to ask my parents for help. If I could have avoided it I would have. My parents looked at their helping me as an opportunity to destroy my marriage and my family and gain control over me. Sounds diabolical but it's true. Now we barely speak and I don't let them even let them get close to my kids.
I guess the core of my point is that, while I (and most people, I expect) would consider it morally good to help someone in need, I don't have the right to take that moral choice and make it someone elses legal obligation just because I consider it morally just, any more than I have the right to impose any other of my moral choices on someone else. I consider it morally good to donate blood, but that doesn't mean it would be right to make that a legal requirement for everyone else.