Police Minister Peter Ryan has written a letter to Mr Unthank advising that JW's are now applying, in mass, for the WWC in Victoria. To little to late. Criminal Charges still stand and cannot be backdated! WHO IS RESPONSIBLE
New letter being read out in ALL Victorian Congregations about the Working With Children Check, this week. It backs the Organisation that they got it right with their thoughts on who needs to apply as they dont have Sunday Schools or Child Specific Activities. The letter also stated that JW's are NOT volunteers for Watchtower Bible Tract Society!Yet we go from door to door promoting the articles published by WTBTS and Promote what is being said by WTBTS.
A recorded copy will be sent to Mr Unthank and I hope he will put the transcript on his JWnews site.
I also suspect a seperate letter has been sent to all Victorian Elders. With what I posted on Monday (post 1)it appears that Police Minister Peter Ryan has sent Mr Unthank a letter dated last week which was received on Monday. Something is going on behind the scenes? It looks like to me that the Corporation is trying to make each Congregation of Jehovahs Witnesses, its own identity and its own responsibility. Therefore trying to make any JW responsible themselves for not complying with the WWC?
I personally know that the mumours and whispers have gone into overdrive atm!
If anyone else is from Victoria, post what you know?
If they are not volunteers of the WTBTS then who are they dedicating themselves to when they get baptized? The question that they have to agree to states "Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?" Sounds like they are should all be disfellowshipped if they are not volunteers of this organization.
These comments are from another site and just proves the WTBTS are getting a kick up the ass not just in the UK but over in Australia too
Lets hope they get some more bad press over this aswell.. Shouldn't the elders be CRB checked in the UK also ? Something else to use against the WT here in the UK if this is required by law and they think they can ignore it like in Australia.