You All Need To Read This New Letter Sent To All Conregations In Victoria Australia About Police Checks For Elders
by Hairyhegoat 41 Replies latest jw friends
Mickey mouse
Do we have any Australian "moles" who would be willing to scan & post that letter?
On the second page of this discussion, it appears that someone has a recording of the letter being read out at the meeting. May be worth keeping an eye on this in case the recording gets posted.
I have made some inquiries with the Victorian government over any developments over the Working With Children Checks.
Its response includes the following statement:
The Department of Justice has been in regular contact with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to ensure it is aware of its obligations under the Act. As a result, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has now advised that they will now require all Jehovah's Witness elders to apply for a WWC Check.
Yay!!!! thx,,MrMonroe
Why only elders? Don't all JWs who go out in service may end up studying a bible with a minor? So while elders get OK from the government the pedophiles will continue to go from door to door looking for their next victim.
Will they pass new rules that only elders will be able to study with minors?
The Quiet One
^^ Excellent point. And if there's no clergy/laity distinction, why are only elders included? Aren't we all equal?
Aussie Oz
The Department of Justice has been in regular contact with the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to ensure it is aware of its obligations under the Act. As a result, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has now advised that they will now require all Jehovah's Witness elders to apply for a WWC Check.
While they may be 'looking like they are doing the right thing' and seeking to satisfy what may yet come from the law, i doubt it will be enough. Unthanks case takes in a lot more victorians than just elders and the law will know this. I certainly hope that the 'token effort' compliance is seen through by the judge for what it is, too little too late and smack them down hard.
But if the only outcome is full compliance with whatever the law determines then that should be seen as a huge win.
Has Steven Unthank stated how many congregations or elders are in Victoria?
Mad Sweeney
What do you want to bet the Borg has gone through its list of elders in Victoria and had any pedos kicked down to MS or lower status before sending this letter? Guarantee there will be no pedos discovered in these checks; that doesn't mean there aren't any in the Kingdom Halls.