To the Household of God, Israel... and all those who go with... may you all have peace!
Man, it's pretty tough out here in this "wilderness", isn't it? Hot, dry, dusty... no meat... only the wretched manna and lukewarm water. And all this WANDERING about! In circles, even! What is up with THAT?
True, the "cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions, and garlic" were "tasty" to our flesh. But are they really more desirable than the "manna"... the daily bread from heaven? And the fermented wines of the nations around surely seem appetizing, even making the mouth water. But are they truly more desirable... than the 'water' from the rock-mass?
Did the Most Holy One of Israel really call His Household out of "slavery"... only to leave it to perish in the "wilderness"? Or will He not keep His promise and lead that House... by HIS Light... all the way to the "promised land"?
One only knows as to himself or herself what ones level of faith is/will be.
I get it that you are tired. HE understands you are tired. Which is why you MUST eat... and drink: to keep your strength up.
I bid you peace, one and all!
Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with... and a slave of Christ,