Who will give us meat to eat?

by AGuest 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    No human self survival instincts took over.

    What human self survival instincts, dear TO (peace to you!)? After Abraham's trek from the East, Israel had pretty much always been taken care of, even when in Egypt. Even after leaving Egypt, they weren't starving. Heck, they had a huge number of animals with them (Exodus 12:3)! Could'a slaughtered and ate any one of those, if necessary. That wasn't the point, though...

    The POINT... was that they apparently preferred to eat dishes as SLAVES... than wander as FREE persons, if doing so meant living on manna and water. But, hey, some people are meant to be slaves... always. Personally, like the crew of the "Nebuchadnezzar"... I would eat slop... if it meant being free...

    The history of gods saving mankind in times of trouble have all been utter failures

    There was no "time of trouble", here. Not for Israel, anyway. Israel had all it needed to survive. They just didn't like the... ummmm... "views" and inconvenience. What's interesting, though, is that the complaining didn't START with Israel - it started among those who went WITH Israel... and Israel just took up the whining WITH them...

    Hence this makes it prudent for mankind to rely on himself for the sake of humanity's survival.

    Perhaps. This was neither about humanity's survival OR Israel's. Israel's survival was never in question. Israel's faith... in the One who brought them OUT of Egypt, however... and His PROMISE to get them to where He said He would... and by what means... was. Still IS.

    Human ignorance is the tragedy of humanity's perils.

    It is. And lack of faith is often based on ignorance (i.e., lack of knowledge).

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who admits she sometimes wonders where some folks come UP with this stuff...

  • watersprout

    If you Eat Animals that Eat Vegetables..

    It all works out..

    LMAO!!!! I love it!


  • cofty

    Outlaw - genius!

  • Devil_Fish

    I Love Animals

    They are delicious.

  • thetrueone

    Aguest you just have to come to the realization that when men are trying to construct a frame work of gods,

    that will indeed bullshit and embellish stories with this endeavor at hand.

    Look what kind of bullshit the WTS has put out over the years to create their wealth and support.

    There is evidence of this from all the various religious ideologies one comes upon.

    To define religion one could say " Great stories of bullshit with intent "

    Its all in the matter how you construct and offer your bullshit, to attract believers of your stories.

  • AGuest
    Aguest you just have to come to the realization that when men are trying to construct a frame work of gods, that will indeed bullshit and embellish stories with this endeavor at hand.

    I do realize that, dear TO (again, peace to you!). No framework was being constructed by men here, though... no not quite sure of your point (well, at least, as to how it applies here)...

    Look what kind of bullshit the WTS has put out over the years to create their wealth and support.

    What has that got to do with what occurred with the Israelites in this case, dear one? Nobody getting wealthy. Certainly not Moses.

    There is evidence of this from all the various religious ideologies one comes upon.

    We're not discussing religion here, dear... but hstory. Of the Israelites. After leaving Egypt...

    To define religion one could say " Great stories of bullshit with intent "

    To define religion, yes, one could say that. One can even say that about some of the Israelite history, to the extent it was contrived to (1) scare their enemies, or (2) raise themselves up over others as a nation. This, however, was just history. You addressed their lack of self-survival skills. You did that because you assumed... they needed to be in survival MODE. Because you assumed that the account was with reference to them starving. They didn't... because they weren't. They had goats, cattle, flocks, etc. And the account doesn't leave that out. Because the POINT of the account wasn't ABOUT physical survival; it was about the survival... of their FAITH.

    Its all in the matter how you construct and offer your bullshit, to attract believers of your stories.

    Indeed. So making comments as you did might persuade some to believe that things were occurring as you stated them... although they weren't. So... I stated what WAS occurring more accurately. Curiously, you didn't address that, though...

    So, I have no other choice than to conclude that your comments are nothing more than your way of saying "I really didn't have a clue as to what I was talking about as to what was occurring with the Israelites at the time but I can't admit that now, so I'll just push my personal explanation further and compare it to the WTBTS' BS... because that usually works with folks here - they know the WTBTS is BS and so easily buy that everything else is, too"...

    Dioesn't work with me, though...

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Quarterback

    If you don't eat your meat....you can't eat your pudding....how can you eat your pudding???? if you don't eat your meat?

  • thetrueone

    Yes I believe the exiles who left Egypt lived on only water and manna for 40 years and god also parted the Red sea for them to escape only

    to collapse on the Egyptian army that were pursuing them. I also believe in stories of Pink Unicorns and Sasquatches.

    Your faithful servant of human imagination of embellished story telling ....... TTO

  • thetrueone

    And lack of faith is often based on ignorance (i.e., lack of knowledge).

    I'd like to see Aguest put her faith in god completely and only consume water and manna for the rest of her life or at least 40 years.

    Will see if I have a lack of knowledge or not, if she can do this I too will become a faithful servant and slave of Christ.

    If your faith is as strong as you say then this shouldn't be much for you to take on.

    Lead us an an example Aguest of your held to faith.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Me, too. I'm a believer...in unicorns and Sasquaches


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