I went back to school\College in the 70's, and hated that math. I put my head to it and accomplished it. Had a good job as a result. The good made up for all that I had to deal with in life. You can do it, man.
{Sigh}, I could use a hug...
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 63 Replies latest jw friends
You're one of my favourite posters too.
So sorry you're not close to your mom. I would have loved a kid that grew up like you.
I do hope things settle down soon.
'nother hug (((((((((((((Billy)))))))))))
You're doing engineering, right? At the Honors college, right?? You don't have to do everything perfectly, you know! Don't be too hard on yourself for not doing too well on your first exams... get tutoring, take fewer classes, take longer doing your homework, whatever it takes. You will do great!!
It's much harder to accomplish things when you don't have your family behind you. But you have a whole community of people who care and who are not just behind you, but are cheering you on.
(((((((HUG)))))))) from me, too!
Aussie Oz
Pat yourself on the back Billy. You are doing things some of us will never do!
Me, i dont have the smarts or the drive to get 'educated', others are stuck because the WT screwed up any chance of breaking out re education too.
So a hug to you, a stiff drink, take a break and you'll get back into it i'm sure. As for the JW issues...maybe it's time to shun all JWs as mentally diseased my friend...they are obviously harming you. Don't let them get to you or they have won again.
Crisis of Conscience
Billy, you have a PM.
Try to find ou how everyone else is doing in the class. If the vast majority aren't doing well, there will be a grade curve. Talk to your professors about extra credit. If neither of those work out, look into dropping the most difficult class and take it later. Don't be discouraged. Just about everyone has a few problem classes.
I understand, more than i can say my friend. Somedays u get the bear, somedays the bear gets u.... The bear got u today. Thats cool. Workout, Take a hot shower, derink a chilly beer, feel sorry a bit....
wake up tommarow and kick his ass :-) were all proud as hell of you and how you are succeeding! You are gonna be ok ;-)
Give yourself a chance to settle in. If you decide to drop a course and take something else, then just enjoy the journey and where it leads you. Life very rarely follows our plans. That is not a bad thing!