Billy Keep your chin up
{Sigh}, I could use a hug...
by Billy the Ex-Bethelite 63 Replies latest jw friends
Hang in there,you can do it.
Billy, when I went back to school I was 15 years older than most of my classmates, thus it had been 15 years since I was in a daily environment challenging my memory. I have pretty good study techniques but I work better with a similar ability person or a little bit better. So I found a partner which eventually morphed into 4 total. All of us saw an increase in our grades and comprehension. Something about explaining something to others makes it stick better.
Don't underestimate the life skills you have gathered along the way.
Coffee House Girl
I don't get to check in here so much because classes are underway for me too...& sometimes I think about throwing in the towell and just getting a full time job to "get by"....but you and I are not quitters! Hang in there, the benefits far outweight the current frustrations...and I agree with everyone, when the fall simester starts back up it takes the first exams to really fall into line with what the profs expect from us- you will do better next time :)
hugs to you!
Mickey mouse
((((Billy))) have a big sisterly hug from MM.
I know how you feel, I have days when I feel out of my depth, they usually coincinde with some bull shit being studied in a Watchtower or my family hassling me to do more.
You can do it. You are doing it. Your goal is to have a must fight for it, and be determined not to give up. Usually there are math tutors available through the school for free. When I took college Algebra I went to tutoring in the college library right after class, and got help doing homework. Without that help I would not have been able to pass.
There is no doubt that it is hard and requires hard work...but it is less demanding than trying to wrap your head around the "generation" teaching or going out in service trying to explain things you were doubtful about yourself.
I am 59 and in college. I have six more classes after the two I'm taking now. I want to give up every day...but WILL have my degree....we can do it together!!!!!!
Billy I'm heading for exams and stressing out over them it is a difficult time. Billy your teacher actually had some postive things to say and if you were not feeling so negative and stressed then you may have had a different impression. She can see your potential you are shining through the stress in your life.
Nothing is irrevocable that is why there are retakes and until you get the mark you don't know. Keep trying and don't give up.
Sorry for the family stuff it stinks.
Give yourself some time to settle in.
The first couple of months of nursing school was hellish for me, because there were abstract concepts that I wasn't used to (the initial steps of critical thinking) and nothing seemed to make sense. I must have read that damned nursing theory text 10 times before it sunk in, but when it did it was one of those exhilirating a-ha moments that made everything else fall into place.
And, yes, your instinct to avoid people whose goal is to discourage you in your pursuits is spot on. BTW, who says you have to tell your mom that things aren't going well at the moment?? Ever heard of this thing called Theocratic War Strategy™, where "it is not necessary to divulge truthful information to those who are not entitled to it"?? You know those folks whose goal is to make you quit school - they aren't entitled to know that you're finding it tough right now because they will use that information to their advantage (and your disadvantage). So you tell them that you've got a lot on your plate - which is true; you tell them that there's a lot of challenging readings and studying - which is true; you tell them that your teachers and classmates are supportive - your teacher seems to be, at least. But whatever you do, you don't ever tell them that you feel like you're in over your head, because they will beat you black-and-blue with the stick of self-defeat. That's what they want, don't give them the satisfaction.
We're here for you Billy. Really. A lot of us totally get what it's like right now. Just know that it does get better, and that there is an end to each course, each semester and eventually, the program. If you realize after a semester that you need to go in a different direction, that's okay too. That's what school is about - to learn about what you are suited to, and hopefully to find something that inspires you.
Keep your chin up, my friend.
School can be tough, dear BTEB (peace to you!), but surely, if I can do it (8 years!), ANYONE can do it. Stick it out - you'll be glad you did!
Peace... and {{{{{}}}}}
Your servant and a slave of Christ,
Billy you will be ok. .. Thinking of you.
(((Billy))) homo
LOL have you been listening to ''Lonely island''?