well if Greenland is where you are don't think you are close enough to me?FS
Any Runners Here?
by zoiks 40 Replies latest social physical
Quarterback, what is holding you back? Health, time, etc? Walking is also great exercise, or "wogging" - just a very very slow paced jog. BTS, that's pretty cool. Right now my daily run is 2.5 miles, with a 5k or two per week thrown in as I feel able. I'm not a natural runner, but I find that every bit of effort shows some results.
White Dove, I'll join your group! Will PM you in a bit.
(starting to get a bit sleepy after pushing myself in the cold, damp weather this A.M....zzzzzzz.....)
I don't run fast, just a long time.
Gotcha, Donny. I've read that the benefits of running generally relate to distance and frequency, and not with your pace. 2 miles is 2 miles, regardless. I'm finding that it's a cheap and relatively easy way to stay in shape, to push myself, and to set goals.
Zoiks: I walked 5 Km's this morning. I'm just a walker, not a runner. I don't play a sport, but I am a sport. I don't play Squash, but I do eat Squash.
QB - Right on, sport!
White Dove
Love it! I'm feeling so motivated right now:D
It's my day off and the weather is better at under 100 F., so I might take the puppy out today.
Worried about her paws, though. Need booties for hot asphalt.
I remember when I was a kid, I could feel the heat through my thin tennyrunners.
Found Sheep,
I'm in Arizona, but Simon's keeping me in Greenland, for now until he gets the options going for us to move around here.
I might not be a runner if I was in AZ
I needed to read this thread. It's a rainy,dreary day here and I needed a bit of motivation to get out there and work out. I'm more of a walker though. I would like to turn it into running.
I love running...but I've fallen off with the regularity. Had bad sciatica most of last year and am now slowly working my way back into it. Momentum is everything, once you get started it gets easier and easier.
Few years back used to go 3-4 times a week, would occasionally do a 15km run. I find I just gotta go when it pops in your head....don't think about it. Went out lastnight at 10:30 with the hound...felt great.