I've been running since 1970. I did my first marathon in 1977 and I've run about 6 marathons, and 2 ultras (50 miles). I really prefer 5k's and track, though, particularly the mile. I broke 5:00 for the first time after I turned 45. My goal is to do a 4:40 when I turn 60. We moved to Virginia recently and the competition isn't as stiff as it was in Texas. I pretty much ace my age group every time. I'm running about 35-40 miles a week now. In high school I was into all the high mileage stuff doing around 80-100 a week. Now I realize that quality is better than quantity. It was noted back in the 70's that high intensity cardio brought about the quickest benefits. As little as ten minutes of flat out running a day done 3 times a week was touted as bringing about 90% of the cardiovascular improvements one might expect from perhaps 60 miles of LSD (Long-Slow-Distance) training.
Any Runners Here?
by zoiks 40 Replies latest social physical
Wow, GB...that's pretty awesome stuff. 6 marathons is nothing to sneeze at, but those ultras are incredible.
Interesting to note some of your achievements at 45 or older. I was looking through the results in my area, and the best times all seem to be dominated by either high school track runners or 45-plus year-olds.
Love to run. For me it was an alternative to blood pressure medication that actually worked.
--Do the Susan Komen 5K and New Times 10K every chance I get.
If you want to read what I believe to be the best book ever written about trans-continental runs it would have to be James Shapiro's "
ZoomSee larger image (with zoom) Meditations from the Breakdown Lane: Running Across America
White Dove
I'd like to do a walk across the country someday, just me and my puppy.
Maybe put the cat in a kritter kart and take her along, too.
Egg has those 5 Finger shoes and loves them.
I'm not a barefoot person, so I prefer my Shape-Ups to those.
Well, I'm off to get the a harness and leash.
Yep...running lights up all the feel good synapses of my brain. I am involved with several 5k charity run events but have yet to enter one of them myself. It must be some kind of commitment thing that's holding me back. When I've gone a stretch without running, I have dreams about trying to run but for some reason in the dream I can't get the rythym down and I sort of skip and shuffle and it's really frustrating.
As for those five toed shoes, I can't imagine that they'd be very good for your knees as they don't seem to have much cushion. And what kind of socks would one wear with those. LOL !
Yes. :D
I do it for fitness, not to run marathons. Facebook me bitch and I'll tell ya more. ;D
** directed to zoinks, not any of our fine female posters ** ** at all **
White Dove
They have special socks for them, but Egg wears them...barefoot.
Well, I'm back with the harness and leash for my
Hey, where'd go?
Can't run due to a spinal injury and subsequent surgery, but I power-walk everyday for 2.5 miles up and down the Appalachians that my road is built on. The old 'uphill both directions' is true around here. It makes me feel great. Keeps my buns tight too-an added benefit.