KIT availability

by Joey Jo-Jo 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Atlantis

    If you want the 1969 edition of the KIT click the PDF here: * 69.6 M)PDF
    * If you want the 1985 edition of the KIT click here: * Click here to start download from sendspace * * * * Atlantis

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Thanks Atlantis, I just want to know if the Kingdom Interlinear Translation can be ordered through the kingdom hall?

  • sir82

    Yes you can order it at the Kingdom Hall, if you are a JW "in good standing".

    You'll get the 1985 version, not the 1969 version. The '69 version is out of print. If you want the '69 version you'll need to get it used from somewhere else.

  • carla

    It is my understanding that if you ask for it at the kh they will ask why you want it. It is my opinion they do not want jw's to look at the KIT particularly the 69 version because then the member will see just how much they have actually changed the Bible.

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    Teary has ordered around 3 of those in the past from the KH counter for various reasons (and what a beautiful little book it is!). They usually aren't in stock locally though (the Society can't be printing all of their books constantly after all), so you have to wait about 6 weeks on a special order (unless you just want use the one from the Hall library, since they usually have at least one).

    The literature brothers also didn't ask any questions about it like Carla suggested. But then again, maybe that is just because they already knew that Teary was into that kind of stuff...but if Miss Average Witness who doesn't do hardly any serious study suddenly came up to Teary and requested a book like the KIT, then Teary would certainly be curious as to the reason. It's practical uses are a bit limited unless you have at least some working knowledge of Koine Greek after all.

  • carla

    Teary would certainly be curious as to the reason-- why? what business is it of yours? (meaning the book guy) It is a wt publication and as such any jw (non jw's as well) should be able to get a hold of any wt publication without question, unless the wt has something to hide of course.

    I don't say what I said in my previous post lightly, it really happened.

  • talesin

    Miss Average Witness

  • Teary Oberon
    Teary Oberon

    "Teary would certainly be curious as to the reason-- why? what business is it of yours? (meaning the book guy) It is a wt publication and as such any jw (non jw's as well) should be able to get a hold of any wt publication without question, unless the wt has something to hide of course."

    That can actually go both ways. Why would you overreact and impute ill motives to a simple and understandable question, especially if the person asking the question couldn't think of any practical reason why you would ever want a KIT? What do YOU have to hide?

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Teary Oberon: the reason why I ask this is because the KIT on John 1.1 differs to the Insight volumes regarding john 1.1 and I just wanted to know because of this if the KIT is still attainable, my other question was I want to know if anyone (I mean anyone) like a muslim/apostate could walk into a kingdom hall and ask for the KIT.

    "Why would you overreact and impute ill motives to a simple and understandable question, especially if the person asking the question couldn't think of any practical reason why you would ever want a KIT? What do YOU have to hide?"

    This does not sound like a book attainable to the public, if I ask for NWT or a Awake magazine nobody is not going to ask the question. I did ask for WT CD-rom a year ago, I never was asked why I wanted it and never received one. So are there any pre-requisites for ordering the Wathctower cd-rom?

    I want to know so I can ask the barrister of the supreme court of New South Wales to see if this is legal.

    Ps. I know you are a jw.

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