Minutes? Why do you only have minutes left to live? Could you expand on your current situation so that we can get some help to you if needed?!!
>> Sure, so I am 41, lets say I live to lets say 80 so I have less than half of my life left. i have therefore 20498400 minutes left and I loose them in increments of 1440 a day. thats my current situation.... however that is no different than everybody here on this board. cuz every body looses the same minutes every day.
Wanting your friends and loved ones to be free of the Society does not constitute a "waste" of your life,
>> Agreed, wanting is not a waste of life..... but the fact is wheather you like it or not.... you wont get them free. they will get free only if THEY want it..... so whatever you try is futile. only if they WANT they will.... Unless you have the means to physically intervene their brains.. then you could probably change their minds but they question will be.... is it worth it for them? or are you doing it for you? My parents are over 60 and to be honest they are better off inside the Cult than outside... getting them out will only benefit ME but not them. its sad but thats a fact.
and I am truly saddened that you feel so desperate as to draw that conclusion.
>>dont be sad. I am not desperate... I was. I am just realistic. be happy. your outside of the cult... what am I saying? Be whatever you want to be. who am i to tell you what to be?
Human compassion and the longing to make life better for others can never be described as a waste. What is life if we can't spend it in the company of our friends and loved ones, or at least looking out for their welfare?
>> I understand you..... totatally. you wish you could enjoy your familys time.... if thats what makes you happy, well keep going. thats what makes you happy. I used to think the same way not long ago. but reality is that my friends and loved one will remain inside the cult and they willl not leave.... only those who are smart enough to leave, will.
Many things have changed in the 39 years since your struggle began.
>> My struggle began 2 years ago, before that I was just blindfolded as the other 7 million.
The internet is growing in influence, and the Society's grip is weakening in countries where information is more freely available. Furthermore, they are resorting to printing increasingly objectionable and hate-filled messages in their literature, leaving them exposed to press campaigns and potential legal action. They are fast reaching a tipping point of sorts, if they haven't reached it already. Now is not the time to give up, when we are so close to achieving our common objective.
>> I applaud you... thats what give you happines, then keep going at it. But I personally woulnt focus my life into it. I rather go out and smell the flowers, eat good food, make new friends, make new family. eat, pray(not), love. :-)
Please try to be positive despite your undoubtedly well-founded reasons for despondency.
>>i am positive, and I am realistic... you want to hear something both positive and realistic? We have very few minutes lefts on this planet.... and I mean WE as a race. we just dont realize how small we are.