Well-observed Doubting Bro. You could even split those stats to form two hypothetical "apostate" congregations, since the minimum number of elders to form any new congregation is 3, and we now have 9 active elders who have participated in the survey - although one of those 9 elders ticked that he agreed with the Governing Body.
Here are the comments received from active elders (spelling mistakes not mine):
- i appreciate them
- They were sincere men just trying to do their best. But as Jehovah had to discipline ancient Israel - and her kings - for 'going beyond the things written', so today he will discipline the Governing Body. I am very sad to see how these once sincere men have become so filled with their own importance that they "strain out the gnat but gulp down the camel". (Matt 23:24)
- People have made life decisions based on their writings - then things change. No apologizes or acknowledgement. The tone of the magazines is very harsh and unloving.
- I wish and pray that the Governing Body will stop putting themselves in the place of Jesus. I am trapped. I want to leave the organization but cannot for fear of being disfellowshipped and losing my family. Thank you for this survey and I hope it reaches the ears of the media
- I think they are sincere believing men, not able to see the mistakes of their precursors.
- The GB has created an organization that represses individual expression and free thinking. Members are stifled and must conform to the many written and unwritten rules or be labeled weak or unspiritual.
- Our Governing Body need to walk in our shoes for a while!