I believe this -- don't you?

by therevealer 13 Replies latest social current

  • therevealer


    When severe calamities occur today, God's
    servants respond similarly. Jehovah'sWitnesses
    arewell-known for helping fellow believers.
    For example, when a strong earthquake struck
    Chile on February 27, 2010, Jehovah'sWitnesses
    quickly responded to help those affected.
    Karla, whose homewas swept away by a
    tsunami, related: "It was
    comforting and encouraging
    to see that the very
    next day [fellowWitnesses]
    arrived fromother
    areas to help us.Without
    a doubt, Jehovah comforted
    us through the goodness
    of those volunteers. I
    felt loved and protected."
    Her grandfather, who is
    not a Witness, observed
    the help being given. He
    said: "This is completely
    different fromwhat I have seen for years inmy
    church." What he sawmoved himto ask Jehovah'sWitnesses
    to study the Biblewith him.

  • mrsjones5
  • trailerfitter

    sounds a bit like one hand clapping

  • trailerfitter

    I actually feel sick reading this, usual stuff only the JWs came to help.

  • ShadesofGrey

    So, what paper was this printed in again? Yea, thought so.

  • ProdigalSon

    The magic words are in brackets: [fellow Witnesses]

    They only help their own. Everyone else is just bird food.

  • punkofnice

    After I hurl chunks I'll be back to ask how come the Baptist world mission is doing better than the WBT$? They are taking Thai drug addicts, helping them out of addiction and teaching them to be farmers.

    Now I'm not saying the Baptists are the true faith. I'm not saying anything is the true faith (although Pastafari ticks all the boxes).

    What I'm saying is that JWs have nothing like anything of real value to give to communities. Naff all in fact!

    My Mom recons they give a real hope for the future. Well, I'm hoping to win the euromillions but no one can prove I will and even if I have 'faith' it still won't make it happen.

    Faith is a load of crap really. God doesn't exist just because I wish him into existance with 'faith'. It doesn't mean he doesn't exist because I don't. Oh, whatever...I'm going off topic.

    Tea anyone?

  • Lore

    Do I believe what?

    That after the earthquake in Chile a group of witnesses got together and helped their fellow witnesses rebuild? Yeah I believe that.

    Do I believe that some random persons grandfather saw this and thought it was cool so he asked if they'd study with him? Yeah I believe that too.

    I'm not sure what's difficult to believe about this.

  • erbie

    Every word of it.

  • sabastious

    How is it that God is somehow behind the goodwill of only Jehovah's Witnesses? Hundreds of thousands of people, from all religions, have helped tremendously in the recent mega quakes. Their statement here, as usual, builds the organization up while simultaneously ripping on everyone else. Their arrogance is unmatched.


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