It could be true- but really who gives a shit in the grand scheme of things?
At its core, its just another example of cult-recruiting 101. Find a poor distressed soul when they are down and out and drag them into your cult.
by therevealer 13 Replies latest social current
It could be true- but really who gives a shit in the grand scheme of things?
At its core, its just another example of cult-recruiting 101. Find a poor distressed soul when they are down and out and drag them into your cult.
This is because Jehovah is the God of the one true religion and always cares for his own. Now, the nasty, wicked people on the other hand (that's us) will be completely destroyed at the great battle of armageddon in which we will fully realise our own weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Who ever said that the future was bleak!
Something to give the good little witnesses a confidence boost. So, um, maybe each individual witness should ask himself or herself what he or she has done to help his or her neighbor in need rather than trying to compare themselves to others. Just thinking...
To lore and maybe some of the others comments - I was around to much actual happenings that garnered no more empathy than other groups when shit hit the fan from minor difficulties that some had to deal with on their own up to more severe problems that garnered little help from the rest of the witness community involved to believe this shiite anymore. And why does old grampa suddenly wake up. Up until this point he was no way gettin involved with these nutters who shunned him and the missus. But suddenly when he sees the witnesses coming to help on the very next day (sure they did, LOL) he wants a study. With all the other bull that they spew I guess I have no good reason to not believe this time.