My career as a budding alcoholic is over

by Qcmbr 14 Replies latest social physical

  • clarity

    Qcmbr ...... seriously, listen to momma .....

    have you not spent enough time with your mind altered already?


    Has the watchtower society not caused enough changing of your thoughts, wierd thinking and stupor already?


    Why would you even want to continue this with alcohol? Literally being 'out of your mind' ?


    Have you ever tried to carry on a conversation with someone "under" the spell?


    {Still I guess I'll save a ton of money but I'll never know what it feels like to be tipsy. :(


    Now that's something to smile about! : )

    clarity ... of the seen too much class.

  • mrsjones5

    There's no shame in not having a taste for booze. I rarely drink, wine gives me headaches and hard liquor turns my stomach. I do drink an occasional Kahlua and eggnog, yummy.


    You need to Drink Rum and sing Pirate Songs!..

    Oh I like to go Swimmin with Bowlegged Women

    And Swim between Their Legs !

    ............................... ...OUTLAW

  • JWdaughter

    My husband has never touched alcohol in his life and he once asked why do people always make that face when they drink alcohol. I said it is because it tastes nasty. People have to drink it a lot before they like it and even when they do, it kind of hurts going down.

    Obvious question: Why would anyone do that?

    Really, no good answer, other than to escape from reality as they are perceiving it. This man won't take a tylenol unless he is truly desperate, so he can't relate to that escape route.

  • Greybeard

    @ Qcmber,

    Their is nothing wrong with drinking alcohol. The Bible says "wine makes the heart rejoice". It also says, "drunkards will not inherit the Kingdom of God." Moderation is the key. I always had a problem with moderation so I became addicted to alcohol and I can't drink anymore. I had a very high tolerance. I had way to much fun drinking. It also brought me a lot of heart ache and pain in the latter days of my drinking "career".

    If you want to feel the effect but don't like the taste of alcohol, order a Long Island Ice Tea and that will do the trick. They are smooth and easy to drink. If made right, you won't need another drink to feel the effect.

    Some will probably condemn me for telling you this after what I have been through. I still don't see anything wrong with it as long as you can control it. Jesus Christ's first miracle was turning water into wine.

    There are many bad things that can happen if you over drink. you can loose control and do things you never would have done sober. some have woken up in jail only to discover they have killed a family in a car crash or maybe their friends. The prisons are full of alcohol related crimes.

    Just because many become sexaholics and commit sex crimes does not make sex wrong. Sex is a gift from God and so is alcohol. Just don't over do it.

    That's my 2cents

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