LinkThe book is about basicly how to protect yourself online with identity fraud. This chapter had quoted good old theocratic warfare in how to not give people your SSN or any other information.
Just thought it was intersting someone quoting the watchtower in how to lie.
Watchtower Quoted in a book about how to lie.
by Sharpie 11 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A lie is an untruth!
The definition quoted is playing with semantics and is a typical cult definition.
darth frosty
Yep they still believe that definition till this day.
I remember in pioneer school and them crotching the argument of how some truths' dont need to be told to those who dont deserve it or will use the stated truth against you or the brothers.
Nathan Natas
The author of that book is a fellow named J. J. LUNA, who (in the earlier editions of his book, if not in the most recent) freely discusses his adventures as a JW missionary in the Canary Islands, where he had to practice evasion and escape from the local Catholic authorities.
He has a website here where you can download the earlier version of his book:
or you can buy his book on Amazon.
He's an interesting character, and unique in that he freely discusses what he learned about keeping secrets.
I don't know if he's still an active JW. If he's not, I'll bet he'd be EVEN MORE interesting.
It sorta looks like he is in deep. He was quoted in a WT artical.
Guarding or protecting confidential information isn't wrong, and it isn't considered lying to do so.
I've had people come to my door offering a "free" water heater, if I will show them our bill for natural gas to "prove" that I am actually renting the water heater from the company I claim to be renting from. I know this is a ruse to acquire information from the bill so they can fill out paperwork that I have not authorized to send to the company I do business with to terminate their services and initiate services from the company that sent its toadie to my door. That person/company is not entitled to that information, and I feel no inclination to share confidential information with someone who is trying to scam me.
People phone our home occasionally claiming they want to confirm personal information for "credit card applications" - which we have not submitted, so I know they are bogus - they get told to shove off too. They can get very obnoxious about it too, saying that I could be at risk for identity theft if I don't cooperate, so I ask them to spell their names and give me their employee numbers so I can call that particular bank back on their 1-800 number to confirm that the call is genuine - and surprise, surprise, they hang up so fast it makes me LMAO.
I plan at some future point in time to let these callers know that we have not submitted credit card applications because we have sold all of our possessions and are planning to move to a commune... by the way, Dave, have you noticed the state of the world today? and can I offer you a once in a lifetime opportunity to learn the secrets of the Bible?
Likewise, in my job I am under obligation to patients to maintain their confidentiality. People can ask me about patients' conditions but I am not authorized to disclose that information.
What bugs me are people who get their noses out of joint because they think they are entitled to information to which they have no such entitlement. I include JW Elders™ in that group. They haven't bothered to darken my door in years to express concern over our absenteeism from the KH, and yet when they hear a rumour about us, they rush on over to find out whether what they've heard is true or not. I have no desire to validate their stupid little Napoleon complex, nor do I recognize any claims of authority they make, therefore, I consider them to be outside the realm of those entitled to private personal information.
I include JW Elders™ in that group. They haven't bothered to darken my door in years to express concern over our absenteeism from the KH, and yet when they hear a rumour about us, they rush on over to find out whether what they've heard is true or not. I have no desire to validate their stupid little Napoleon complex, nor do I recognize any claims of authority they make, therefore, I consider them to be outside the realm of those entitled to private personal information.
They think GOD gives them authority. Reality is, they only have any authority over you that you give them.
I think the reason this quotes the WT is because it was written by a Witness.
wha happened?
someone should shoot him an email