What if the Watchtower stuck to their guns and didn't change the "generation" understanding? When they came up with this totally ridiculous "overlapping generation" concept, I knew something was wrong. There are people still alive who lived in 1914 today, they could have stuck to their guns or went with Genesis 6:3, "After that Jehovah said: “My spirit shall not act toward man indefinitely in that he is also flesh. Accordingly his days shall amount to a hundred and twenty years.” But NO, The "new light" tells us Christ was talking about generations that overlap! How crazy is that?
Another thing I wonder about is the blood issue. I would have went to the mat on that one. I had a close friend who did and his wife died. I don't know if a blood transfusion would have saved her life but I can't help but wonder. My question is, what if the GB would have stuck with their guns on this issue? When they allowed "blood fractions" I was at a total loss like many of you. How many have died because of this I wondered. How could this be directed by Holy Spirit? I went along with it anyway at the time. If it was a "conscience matter" I didn't need to think about it for more than a nano second. I checked it off as ok.
These issues had bothered me for a while but still, I felt the Watchtower was Gods "channel of communication." It wasn't until I was disfellowshipped and wrongly so in my opinion, that I looked online for answers. With these two huge doubts already on my mind, I was able to see the rest of the information and break free. Thank you jwfacts.com for sticking strictly to the facts. I applaud you! Thank you Ray Franz for your loving honesty and commitment to truth. Thank you freeminds.com! Thanks to everyone else who presented the facts in a loving non bashing manner that I could digest as a questioning Jehovah's Witness. This is a torch my friends and I at jwstruggle.com are trying to carry on if at all possible. We try hard not to offend the truth seeking JW... much of the time, that isn't easy.
What I still wonder is what if the Watchtower didn't make these huge blunders on the generation and the blood issue? Would I have been held "Captive To A Concept until the Genesis 6:3 / 120 year generation passed on? I thank God these false prophets proved what they really are by not "sticking to their guns" thus making a way out for themselves.
If the GB had faith the size of a mustard grain, they wouldn't have came up with the never ending "overlapping generation" cop out or changed their stand on blood. Were these two changes a huge part of your enlightenment regarding this organization like they were to me? Do you ever wonder what if they wouldn't have changed? I was so hardcore, I admit, I might not have woken up. I know that is sad but it is true. Thank God for the internet and all of you who help us to see the real truth behind this organization!
Your brother in Christ,