They could have stayed with the original teaching that the 1914 generation would not pass away until armageddon came. That generation is now 97 years old-how much longer can they live on? The end must be very near-thus there would be a sense of urgency. The overlapping generation teaching is very dissapointing and puts off the end indefinatly.
I guess I was very dissapointed when they changed the generation teaching to "like the days of Noah" in 1994. I was taught that those who were old enough to understand the significance of world events compared with Bible prophecies, those at least 10-13 years old in 1914, would be alive when the end came. !986 was the UN's international year of peace. I felt that would be it- the cry of peace and security. But nothing happened.
After that my doubts increased.
The new Gb have no idea what to do with the 1914 teaching. They need to let it fade away.
If they were to admit 1914 and the generation teaching is wrong I guess most witnesses would be so disappointed they would become inactive. What would be the point of preaching if you and everyone else alive will not live to see the end of this system?