what do we think of this latest illustration/picture from the january tower?
by therevealer 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
nobody else think it is kinda freaky wierd???
I dont read the watchtower so i dont know what it's meant to mean, but let me guess
A normal person would say "ohh poor sheep got attacked, poor thing" but JW's arent normal so it couldnt be that
Could it be that the wounded sheep wasnt reading it's watchtower and is now suffering spiritually? Wouldnt we rather be the healthy sheep who is upright and prepared to follow gods directions, or the stupid sheep that is weak and vunable?
First thought: This is how we REALLY treat our fellow sheep! We abuse them and hurt them in ways you can't imagine!
A cheery picture for the kiddies to gaze at on a Sunday morning in the WT study.
Ok, I ran the caption through google translate. It appears to be comparing if we are bringing a lame animal or a good one. Expect more guilt tripping on the rank and file in this study article.
edmond dantes
I joined the JWs' and got more than I BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgained for .
Holy Crap! another generation of JW kids needing therapy.
lol....ed,,,you must be from BAAAAston. ;)
that is one strange illustration, REVEALER
edmond dantes
The wounded sheep says " I was shepherded by those baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaastewards JWs now look at me .