It can vary within a city or town, between congregations. Or, even within the same congregation--if the hounders want perfection out of one person or want that person to pious-sneer or join the Value Destroyer Training School, they will single that person out for higher standards while being more liberal with everyone else. With me, they were zero-tolerance with such things like things tangentially associated with Christmas (good thing they didn't have computer access, or they might have seen strawberries and kiwi fruits, used to celebrate Christmas in southern hemisphere countries, as bad). They wanted me to get rid of most of my music. All the while, others right in my congregation were not bothered about those things.
In the United Tyranny of Stupidity (formerly, the United States of America), it is common for field circus time reporting to be slack. You put in the time, and it makes no difference whether or not you actually accomplish anything. Warming up or cooling off breaks often exceeded half an hour, yet time continues right through them. Snack breaks exceed 15 minutes regularly, yet people count their time through them. They also round to the nearest whole hour, starting within the nearest 15 minutes. Even though I had the technology to honestly report my time to within a second (called a stopwatch), they never used it. And, it takes a whole hour to work a street that is a city block (roughly 15 houses per side), even when no one was home.
Now, I wonder if there is anywhere else, or anyone else regardless of whether everyone else had to abide by it, that would have had certain foods or other items tangentially associated with a holiday banned or restricted because of the holiday. Now that people can research it, I wouldn't be surprised if there was anything someone could eat without its being associated with something somewhere in the world.