Each Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses have cleaning days, where families gather to clean the hall. Three cleaning days a year, spirng, fall and before the memorial offers a pediophile time alone with the children. It takes only one assault against a child to make it a crime. The aurgument that JWs present is there is no "Sunday School" but there are plenty of other opportunities for a bad man to be left alone with the children.
Cleaning Day
by N.drew 24 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
St George of England
Really? Here in the UK we clean our KH twice a week.
There is another factor to consider. Thw Watchtower teaches that the "mark of the secretary's horn" means baptism. Those not marked are they who die at the Judgement. Who die at the judgement? Revelation 21:8 cowards, unbelieving, hateful, murderers, fornicators, dependant on drugs (sorcery by drug) http://concordances.org/greek/5333.htm, idolators, and liars. So therefore, the brothers and sisters who are in good standing in the congregation are are to be trusted by virtue of their baptism which takes them out of the class of destructed ones described at Rev 21:8. In theory only. In reality they might be wolves in sheep covering. Faithful ones are ordered to obey the decisions of the brothers. It is not safe for the children to do so.
Of course! I mean all day cleaning, in door and out door where the children can be left alone with brothers cleaning away from the main building which presents opportunities for adults to be left out of sight of the crowd for long periods of time. Each week the Kingdom Hall is cleaned, but the children stay with the parents. On cleaning day the children love to be out doors. A responsible parent will be careful for the children despite the fact that all are approved by Jehovah, but some might be fooled and assume the rule of good standing actually means something.
I never thought about that. There are so many opportunities for pedophiles to be alone with kids. It's sad that the Witnesses are so naive as to think "nothing would ever happen to our congregation."
An obvious lesson here is that parents should watch their kids.
Cleaning the hall was something presented as a privilege for the rank and file, I quite participating in it sometime ago, at least a couple of years ago, I saw no privilege in it, was something that they were bringing up in announcements and added to sometalks as if i were a commandment frm God. What a bunch of BS.
Little Imp
With regard to the cleaning of the KH I attended, there was a rota based on the Tuesday night groups.
When it was our Group's turn to clean I offered to do the vacuuming but was told not allowed to get the vacuum cleaner out today, we were expected to go on our hands and knees with a dustpan and brush in our Sunday best! Because of my mobility problems I couldn't do that anyway.
I was very surprised, are there set days in which the vacuum cleaner can be got out in all halls or was it somebody stupid's idea just in our KH?
I love how threads go off topic. It is so cute!
The topic is evdence for Steven Unthank. Which is a very funny name for one who no longer thanks the Governing Body.
Thanks for posting about cleaning day. Anyone ever been all alone to do it? I was at least once.
And one time on Saturday the leader of Book Study Field Service didn't show up with the plan, so we all went home.
Teary Oberon
Kind of a dumb argument if you ask me. What kind of a parent would let their young kids be alone around cleaning equipment, chemicals and possibly lawn care equipment?
There will ALWAYS be opportunities for pedophiles to interact with kids no matter where they are (walking home from school, in a Baptist church, in a store) if the parents don't watch them.