Shocked at what my 3 year old just asked me

by jwfacts 53 Replies latest jw experiences

  • andys

    We can all learn alot from kids, when they are young they want to be out enjoying life, they are very curious about their world around them, if I ever have kids I am going to let them decide their spiritual path later in life but just am going to make sure they stay away from the JW cult, thats one I will educate them about so they don't fall in the same trap.

    Today I view religion with a balanced view, every Sunday I look foward to going to church and worshiping the creator but also at the same time I have hobbies, I get involved in my hobbies, and then I have work, sometimes I work alot of hours and have to miss church or also sometimes something comes up with my hobbies and I miss church, its all about having a balanced view, God wants all of us to enjoy life, live life like its meant to be lived and not under what someone thinks.

  • ThomasCovenant

    jwfacts said, ''I do not know if she is even aware that I have a website about the organisation.''


    Slight understatement.

  • smiddy

    I know he is only young ,but saying something like this might get back to who is indoctrinating him.

    Zac, Jehovah is the God of the catholics ,and I`m not a catholic,and neither are you


  • wobble

    This is just my opinion, but I have a feeling that a 3.5 year old will know if you are being open and honest or not. I know that from a similar age I was very aware that adults were keeping all sorts of information from me.

    If he asked about something else you would give him your perspective on it, right or wrong, why not on this?

    I think you are being more concerned about the feelings of believers than about your sons well being.

    I would advise strongly that you do tell him about the wide opinions on what or who god is, and that there may not be a " God", a friend of mine , XJW, said to his daughter "You can bet, because there are so many opinions out there, that there is not an answer that can be proved"

    I imagine she will trust his judgement on matters in the future for his candid and educative words, he did this despite risking the ire of his JW wife and family.

    As he said to me," no one , not even me, has the right to indoctrinate my kids"

  • besty

    brush it off Paul - just say yeyeyeyeye - there's loads of them characters - in fact I have a movie allllll about it for you...

    let him watch Hercules a few times and explain that Jehovah, Jesus, Odin, Thor etc are just a fewe more gods up there - bloody loads of those characters....

  • punkofnice

    Zac will find his way over the years the same as we did.

    It's abominable that he's been 'got at' IMHO. Even if the motive was good it's still GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!

    You handled it as his Dad should do and I'm sure he won't fall for the JW 'mind cleansing' in the end.

    Jehovah(TM), Santa Clause, Tooth grow out of it!!

    Best wishes Paolo!

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    "Some people believe in God or Jehovah, and others like Mickey Mouse, and others like Bugs Bunny, and others like the Wiggles. Who do you like?"

  • cofty

    Jehovah = No birthday presents and no Christmas - not a hard choice for a 3 year old.

    Seriously though I would be having a word with MIL

  • Heaven

    Establishing boundaries with the MIL is important. If she cannot abide by them then she cannot babysit. That would be my stance. That is what my SIL did when my Mom moved in with them. My SIL told her she is free to practice her religion just not with the kids. It worked out ok.

  • cantleave

    I would use Paul's approach, lump Jehovah in with the other Gods from myth and legend. Choose a God for the Day. "Today lets pretend that Thor is controlling the world, tommorow we'll pretend it's Hercules, and the day after we'll pretend it's Jehovah...." You can pray to the god of the day and point out that none of the prayers achieved anything, which ever god you prayed to.

    Once a child realises there are thousands of deities it will make it harder for someone to make the case that only one is true.

    Also speak to your MIL and tell her that you are responsible for your child's moral and religious upbringing, not her.

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